
Defines functions multieval

Documented in multieval

#' @title Evaluation of multiple metrics and predictions
#' @description for a set of predictions from different models, evaluate multiple metrics and return the results
#'              in a tabular format that makes it easy to compare the predictions.
#' @seealso \href{https://rafael-zambrano-blog-ds.netlify.app/posts/2020-12-22-prediccin-de-delitos-en-caba/#modelos-de-series-de-tiempo}{Crime prediction /multieval}
#' @param .dataset data frame with the predictions, it must have at least the column with the observed data and at
#'                 least one column that refers to the predictions of a model.
#' @param .observed string with the name of the column that contains the observed data.
#' @param .predictions string or vector of strings the columns where the predictions are stored.
#' @param .metrics metric or set of metrics to be evaluated, the metrics refer to those allowed by the package 
#'                 'yardstick' from 'tidymodels'.
#' @param value_table TRUE to display disaggregated metrics.
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @return data frame with 4 columns: the evaluation metrics, the estimator used, the value of the metric and the name of the model.
#' @export
#' @example man/examples/multieval_example.R
multieval = function(.dataset , .observed, .predictions, .metrics, value_table = FALSE){
  fucntion_aux = function(.dataset , .observed, .predictions, .metrics){
    names(.predictions) = .predictions
    purrr::map2(.metrics, .predictions, function(x = .metrics, y = .predictions) {
      x(data = .dataset,
        truth = .dataset[[.observed]],
        estimate = .dataset[[y]],
        na_rm = TRUE) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(modelo = y) 
    }) %>% 
  list_metrics = list()
  for (i in 1:length(.metrics)) {
    list_metrics[[i]] = fucntion_aux(.dataset  , .observed, .predictions, .metrics = .metrics[i])
  table_values <- list_metrics %>% dplyr::bind_rows()
  summary_table <-
    table_values %>%
    dplyr::select(-".estimator") %>%
    tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = .data$.metric, values_from = .data$.estimate)
  if(value_table == FALSE){
    table_values = NULL
  list(table_values = table_values,
       summary_table = summary_table) %>%

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sknifedatar documentation built on June 1, 2021, 9:08 a.m.