
Defines functions simulatorwrap occurrenceGeneralOptimizerWrap occurenceGeneralFitterWrap occurrenceOptimizerWrap occurenceFitterWrap costfuncARIMA costfunc optimizerwrap errorerwrap forecasterwrap fitterwrap polysoswrap etsmatrices initparams matrixPowerWrap adamSimulatorWrap adamReforecasterWrap adamRefitterWrap adamPolynomialiser adamErrorerWrap adamForecasterWrap adamFitterWrap

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

adamFitterWrap <- function(matrixVt, matrixWt, matrixF, vectorG, lags, indexLookupTable, profilesRecent, Etype, Ttype, Stype, componentsNumberETS, nSeasonal, nArima, nXreg, constant, vectorYt, vectorOt, backcast) {
    .Call('_smooth_adamFitterWrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', matrixVt, matrixWt, matrixF, vectorG, lags, indexLookupTable, profilesRecent, Etype, Ttype, Stype, componentsNumberETS, nSeasonal, nArima, nXreg, constant, vectorYt, vectorOt, backcast)

adamForecasterWrap <- function(matrixWt, matrixF, lags, indexLookupTable, profilesRecent, E, T, S, componentsNumberETS, nSeasonal, nArima, nXreg, constant, horizon) {
    .Call('_smooth_adamForecasterWrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', matrixWt, matrixF, lags, indexLookupTable, profilesRecent, E, T, S, componentsNumberETS, nSeasonal, nArima, nXreg, constant, horizon)

adamErrorerWrap <- function(matrixVt, matrixWt, matrixF, lags, indexLookupTable, profilesRecent, Etype, Ttype, Stype, componentsNumberETS, nSeasonal, nArima, nXreg, constant, horizon, vectorYt, vectorOt) {
    .Call('_smooth_adamErrorerWrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', matrixVt, matrixWt, matrixF, lags, indexLookupTable, profilesRecent, Etype, Ttype, Stype, componentsNumberETS, nSeasonal, nArima, nXreg, constant, horizon, vectorYt, vectorOt)

adamPolynomialiser <- function(B, arOrders, iOrders, maOrders, arEstimate, maEstimate, armaParameters, lags) {
    .Call('_smooth_adamPolynomialiser', PACKAGE = 'smooth', B, arOrders, iOrders, maOrders, arEstimate, maEstimate, armaParameters, lags)

adamRefitterWrap <- function(matrixYt, matrixOt, arrayVt, arrayF, arrayWt, matrixG, E, T, S, lags, indexLookupTable, arrayProfilesRecent, nSeasonal, componentsNumberETS, nArima, nXreg, constant) {
    .Call('_smooth_adamRefitterWrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', matrixYt, matrixOt, arrayVt, arrayF, arrayWt, matrixG, E, T, S, lags, indexLookupTable, arrayProfilesRecent, nSeasonal, componentsNumberETS, nArima, nXreg, constant)

adamReforecasterWrap <- function(arrayErrors, arrayOt, arrayF, arrayWt, matrixG, E, T, S, lags, indexLookupTable, arrayProfileRecent, nSeasonal, componentsNumberETS, nArima, nXreg, constant) {
    .Call('_smooth_adamReforecasterWrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', arrayErrors, arrayOt, arrayF, arrayWt, matrixG, E, T, S, lags, indexLookupTable, arrayProfileRecent, nSeasonal, componentsNumberETS, nArima, nXreg, constant)

adamSimulatorWrap <- function(arrayVt, matrixErrors, matrixOt, arrayF, matrixWt, matrixG, E, T, S, lags, indexLookupTable, profilesRecent, nSeasonal, componentsNumber, nArima, nXreg, constant) {
    .Call('_smooth_adamSimulatorWrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', arrayVt, matrixErrors, matrixOt, arrayF, matrixWt, matrixG, E, T, S, lags, indexLookupTable, profilesRecent, nSeasonal, componentsNumber, nArima, nXreg, constant)

matrixPowerWrap <- function(matA, power) {
    .Call('_smooth_matrixPowerWrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', matA, power)

initparams <- function(Etype, Ttype, Stype, datafreq, obsR, obsallR, yt, damped, phi, smoothingparameters, initialstates, seasonalcoefs) {
    .Call('_smooth_initparams', PACKAGE = 'smooth', Etype, Ttype, Stype, datafreq, obsR, obsallR, yt, damped, phi, smoothingparameters, initialstates, seasonalcoefs)

etsmatrices <- function(matvt, vecg, phi, Cvalues, ncomponentsR, lagsModel, fittertype, Ttype, Stype, nexovars, matat, estimpersistence, estimphi, estiminit, estiminitseason, estimxreg, matFX, vecgX, gowild, estimFX, estimgX, estiminitX) {
    .Call('_smooth_etsmatrices', PACKAGE = 'smooth', matvt, vecg, phi, Cvalues, ncomponentsR, lagsModel, fittertype, Ttype, Stype, nexovars, matat, estimpersistence, estimphi, estiminit, estiminitseason, estimxreg, matFX, vecgX, gowild, estimFX, estimgX, estiminitX)

polysoswrap <- function(ARorders, MAorders, Iorders, ARIMAlags, nComp, AR, MA, constant, Cvalues, matvt, vecg, matF, fittertype, nexovars, matat, matFX, vecgX, estimAR, estimMA, requireConst, estimConst, estimxreg, gowild, estimFX, estimgX, estiminitX, ssarimaOld, lagsModelR, nonZeroARI, nonZeroMA) {
    .Call('_smooth_polysoswrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', ARorders, MAorders, Iorders, ARIMAlags, nComp, AR, MA, constant, Cvalues, matvt, vecg, matF, fittertype, nexovars, matat, matFX, vecgX, estimAR, estimMA, requireConst, estimConst, estimxreg, gowild, estimFX, estimgX, estiminitX, ssarimaOld, lagsModelR, nonZeroARI, nonZeroMA)

fitterwrap <- function(matvt, matF, matw, yt, vecg, lagsModel, Etype, Ttype, Stype, fittertype, matxt, matat, matFX, vecgX, ot) {
    .Call('_smooth_fitterwrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', matvt, matF, matw, yt, vecg, lagsModel, Etype, Ttype, Stype, fittertype, matxt, matat, matFX, vecgX, ot)

forecasterwrap <- function(matvt, matF, matw, h, Etype, Ttype, Stype, lagsModel, matxt, matat, matFX) {
    .Call('_smooth_forecasterwrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', matvt, matF, matw, h, Etype, Ttype, Stype, lagsModel, matxt, matat, matFX)

errorerwrap <- function(matvt, matF, matw, yt, h, Etype, Ttype, Stype, lagsModel, matxt, matat, matFX, ot) {
    .Call('_smooth_errorerwrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', matvt, matF, matw, yt, h, Etype, Ttype, Stype, lagsModel, matxt, matat, matFX, ot)

optimizerwrap <- function(matvt, matF, matw, yt, vecg, h, lagsModel, Etype, Ttype, Stype, multisteps, CFt, normalizer, fittertype, matxt, matat, matFX, vecgX, ot, SDerror) {
    .Call('_smooth_optimizerwrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', matvt, matF, matw, yt, vecg, h, lagsModel, Etype, Ttype, Stype, multisteps, CFt, normalizer, fittertype, matxt, matat, matFX, vecgX, ot, SDerror)

costfunc <- function(matvt, matF, matw, yt, vecg, h, lagsModel, Etype, Ttype, Stype, multisteps, CFt, normalizer, fittertype, matxt, matat, matFX, vecgX, ot, bounds, SDerror) {
    .Call('_smooth_costfunc', PACKAGE = 'smooth', matvt, matF, matw, yt, vecg, h, lagsModel, Etype, Ttype, Stype, multisteps, CFt, normalizer, fittertype, matxt, matat, matFX, vecgX, ot, bounds, SDerror)

costfuncARIMA <- function(ARorders, MAorders, Iorders, ARIMAlags, nComp, AR, MA, constant, Cvalues, matvt, matF, matw, yt, vecg, h, lagsModelR, Etype, Ttype, Stype, multisteps, CFt, normalizer, fittertype, nexovars, matxt, matat, matFX, vecgX, ot, estimAR, estimMA, requireConst, estimConst, estimxreg, gowild, estimFX, estimgX, estiminitX, bounds, ssarimaOld, nonZeroARI, nonZeroMA, SDerror) {
    .Call('_smooth_costfuncARIMA', PACKAGE = 'smooth', ARorders, MAorders, Iorders, ARIMAlags, nComp, AR, MA, constant, Cvalues, matvt, matF, matw, yt, vecg, h, lagsModelR, Etype, Ttype, Stype, multisteps, CFt, normalizer, fittertype, nexovars, matxt, matat, matFX, vecgX, ot, estimAR, estimMA, requireConst, estimConst, estimxreg, gowild, estimFX, estimgX, estiminitX, bounds, ssarimaOld, nonZeroARI, nonZeroMA, SDerror)

occurenceFitterWrap <- function(matvt, matF, matw, vecg, ot, modellags, Etype, Ttype, Stype, Otype, matxt, matat, matFX, vecgX) {
    .Call('_smooth_occurenceFitterWrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', matvt, matF, matw, vecg, ot, modellags, Etype, Ttype, Stype, Otype, matxt, matat, matFX, vecgX)

occurrenceOptimizerWrap <- function(matvt, matF, matw, vecg, ot, modellags, Etype, Ttype, Stype, Otype, matxt, matat, matFX, vecgX, bounds) {
    .Call('_smooth_occurrenceOptimizerWrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', matvt, matF, matw, vecg, ot, modellags, Etype, Ttype, Stype, Otype, matxt, matat, matFX, vecgX, bounds)

occurenceGeneralFitterWrap <- function(ot, modellagsA, EtypeA, TtypeA, StypeA, matvtA, matFA, matwA, vecgA, matxtA, matatA, matFXA, vecgXA, modellagsB, EtypeB, TtypeB, StypeB, matvtB, matFB, matwB, vecgB, matxtB, matatB, matFXB, vecgXB) {
    .Call('_smooth_occurenceGeneralFitterWrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', ot, modellagsA, EtypeA, TtypeA, StypeA, matvtA, matFA, matwA, vecgA, matxtA, matatA, matFXA, vecgXA, modellagsB, EtypeB, TtypeB, StypeB, matvtB, matFB, matwB, vecgB, matxtB, matatB, matFXB, vecgXB)

occurrenceGeneralOptimizerWrap <- function(ot, bounds, modellagsA, EtypeA, TtypeA, StypeA, matvtA, matFA, matwA, vecgA, matxtA, matatA, matFXA, vecgXA, modellagsB, EtypeB, TtypeB, StypeB, matvtB, matFB, matwB, vecgB, matxtB, matatB, matFXB, vecgXB) {
    .Call('_smooth_occurrenceGeneralOptimizerWrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', ot, bounds, modellagsA, EtypeA, TtypeA, StypeA, matvtA, matFA, matwA, vecgA, matxtA, matatA, matFXA, vecgXA, modellagsB, EtypeB, TtypeB, StypeB, matvtB, matFB, matwB, vecgB, matxtB, matatB, matFXB, vecgXB)

simulatorwrap <- function(arrvt, matErrors, matot, matF, matw, matg, Etype, Ttype, Stype, modellags) {
    .Call('_smooth_simulatorwrap', PACKAGE = 'smooth', arrvt, matErrors, matot, matF, matw, matg, Etype, Ttype, Stype, modellags)

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