
Defines functions drop_crumbs.SpatVector drop_crumbs.Spatial drop_crumbs.sf drop_crumbs.sfc drop_crumbs

Documented in drop_crumbs

#' Remove small polygons or line segments
#' Remove polygons or line segments below a given area or length threshold.
#' For multipart features, the removal threshold is applied to the individual
#' components. This means that, in some cases, an entire feature may be removed,
#' while in other cases, only parts of the multipart feature will be removed.
#' @inheritParams smooth
#' @param threshold an area or length threshold, below which features will be
#'   removed. Provided either as a `units` object (see [units::set_units()]), or
#'   a numeric threshold in the units of the coordinate reference system. If `x`
#'   is in unprojected coordinates, a numeric threshold is assumed to be in
#'   meters.
#' @param drop_empty logical; whether features with sizes below the given
#'   threshold should be removed (the default) or kept as empty geometries. Note
#'   that `sp` objects cannot store empty geometries, so this argument will be
#'   ignored and empty geometries will always be removed.
#' @return A spatial feature, with small pieces removed, in the same format as
#'   the input data. If none of the features are larger than the threshold,
#'   `sf` inputs will return a geometry set with zero features, and `sp` inputs
#'   will return `NULL`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # remove polygons smaller than 200km2
#' p <- jagged_polygons$geometry[7]
#' area_thresh <- units::set_units(200, km^2)
#' p_dropped <- drop_crumbs(p, threshold = area_thresh)
#' # plot
#' par(mar = c(0, 0, 1, 0), mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' plot(p, col = "black", main = "Original")
#' if (length(p_dropped) > 0) {
#'   plot(p_dropped, col = "black", main = "After drop_crumbs()")
#' }
#' # remove lines less than 25 miles
#' l <- jagged_lines$geometry[8]
#' # note that any units can be used
#' # conversion to units of projection happens automatically
#' length_thresh <- units::set_units(25, miles)
#' l_dropped <- drop_crumbs(l, threshold = length_thresh)
#' # plot
#' par(mar = c(0, 0, 1, 0), mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' plot(l, lwd = 5, main = "Original")
#' if (length(l_dropped)) {
#'   plot(l_dropped, lwd = 5, main = "After drop_crumbs()")
#' }
drop_crumbs <- function(x, threshold, drop_empty = TRUE) {

#' @export
drop_crumbs.sfc <- function(x, threshold, drop_empty = TRUE) {
  stopifnot(inherits(threshold, c("units", "numeric")),
            length(threshold) == 1)
  # check geometry types and get units of feature size
  if (all(sf::st_is(x, c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON")))) {
    size_fxn <- sf::st_area
    geo_type <- "POLYGON"
  } else if (all(sf::st_is(x, c("LINESTRING", "MULTILINESTRING")))) {
    size_fxn <- sf::st_length
    geo_type <- "LINESTRING"
  } else {
    stop(paste("drop_crumbs() only works for line and polygon features",
               "and geometry types cannot be mixed."))

  # zero threshold returns the input features unchanged
  thresh_nounits <- as.numeric(threshold)
  if (thresh_nounits < 0) {
    stop("threshold cannont be negative")

  # convert threshold to crs units
  sz <- size_fxn(x[1])
  if (inherits(sz, "units")) {
    size_units <- units::set_units(1, units(sz), mode = "standard")
    threshold <- units::set_units(threshold, size_units, mode = "standard")
    stopifnot(threshold > units::set_units(0, size_units, mode = "standard"))

  # loop over features
  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    # split up multipart geometries
    singles <- sf::st_cast(x[i], geo_type)
    # test threshold
    passed <- singles[size_fxn(singles) >= threshold]
    # recombine
    if (length(passed) != 1) {
      passed <- sf::st_combine(passed)
    x[[i]] <- passed[[1]]
  # remove empty geometries
  x <- sf::st_sfc(x)
  if (drop_empty) {
    x <- x[!sf::st_is_empty(x)]

#' @export
drop_crumbs.sf <- function(x, threshold, drop_empty = TRUE) {
  g <- drop_crumbs(sf::st_geometry(x), threshold = threshold,
                   drop_empty = FALSE)
  sf::st_geometry(x) <- g
  if (drop_empty) {
    x <- x[!sf::st_is_empty(x), ]

#' @export
drop_crumbs.Spatial <- function(x, threshold, drop_empty = TRUE) {
  if (!requireNamespace("sp", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Install the sp package to use drop_crumbs on sp features.")
  # convert to sf object then back
  prj <- sp::proj4string(x)
  if (inherits(x, c("SpatialPolygonsDataFrame", "SpatialLinesDataFrame"))) {
    x_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(x)
  } else if (inherits(x, c("SpatialPolygons", "SpatialLines"))) {
    x_sf <- sf::st_as_sfc(x)
  } else{
    stop(paste("No drop_crumbs method for class", class(x)))
  x_sf <- sf::st_set_crs(x_sf,  prj)

  clean <- drop_crumbs(x_sf, threshold = threshold, drop_empty = TRUE)

  if (all(sf::st_is_empty(clean))) {
  clean <- sf::as_Spatial(clean)
  sp::proj4string(clean) <- prj

#' @export
drop_crumbs.SpatVector <- function(x, threshold, drop_empty = TRUE) {
  if (!requireNamespace("terra", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Install the terra package to process SpatVector features.")
  warning("SpatVector objects are converted to sf objects in smoothr. ",
          "This conversion may introduce errors and increase the time ",
          "required to perform smoothing.")
  clean <- drop_crumbs(sf::st_as_sf(x), threshold = threshold,
                       drop_empty = TRUE)

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smoothr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:45 p.m.