Man pages for socialmixr
Social Mixing Matrices for Infectious Disease Modelling

checkCheck contact survey data
citeCitation for a survey
cleanClean contact survey data
contact_matrixGenerate a contact matrix from diary survey data
download_surveyDownload a survey from its Zenodo repository
get_citationCitation for a survey
get_surveyGet a survey, either from its Zenodo repository, a set of...
is_doiChecks if a character string is a DOI
limits_to_agegroupsConvert lower age limits to age groups.
list_surveysList all surveys available for download
load_surveyLoad a survey from local files
matrix_plotDraws an image plot of a contact matrix with a legend strip...
polymodSocial contact data from 8 European countries
pop_ageChange age groups in population data
reduce_agegroupsReduce the number of age groups given a broader set of limits
surveyContact survey
survey_countriesList all countries contained in a survey
wpp_ageGet age-specific population data according to the World...
wpp_countriesList all countries and regions for which socialmixr has...
socialmixr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:15 p.m.