soilColor.wcs: Get 30m or 270m gridded soil soil color data from SoilWeb Web...

View source: R/soilColorWCS.R

soilColor.wcsR Documentation

Get 30m or 270m gridded soil soil color data from SoilWeb Web Coverage Service (WCS)


Moist soil colors, 2022.


soilColor.wcs(aoi, var, res = 270, quiet = FALSE)



area of interest (AOI) defined using a Spatial*, RasterLayer, sf, sfc or bbox object, OR a list, see details


soil color grid name (case insensitive), see details


grid resolution, units of meters, typically '270', or '30', depending on var. See details.


logical, passed to curl::curl_download to enable / suppress URL and progress bar for download.


aoi should be specified as a SpatRaster, Spatial*, RasterLayer, SpatRaster/SpatVector, sf, sfc, or bbox object or a list containing:


bounding-box specified as (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) e.g. c(-114.16, 47.65, -114.08, 47.68)


coordinate reference system of BBOX, e.g. 'OGC:CRS84' (EPSG:4326, WGS84 Longitude/Latitude)

The WCS query is parameterized using a rectangular extent derived from the above AOI specification, after conversion to the native CRS (EPSG:5070) of the soil color grids.

Variables available from this WCS can be queried using WCS_details(wcs = 'soilColor'). The full resolution version of the soil color grids use a hr suffix, e.g. 'sc025cm_hr'.


A SpatRaster (or RasterLayer) object containing indexed map unit keys and associated raster attribute table or a try-error if request fails. By default, spatial classes from the terra package are returned. If the input object class is from the raster or sp packages a RasterLayer is returned.


D.E. Beaudette and A.G. Brown


## Not run: 

# see WCS_details() for variable options
WCS_details(wcs = 'soilColor')

# moist soil color at 25cm, 270m version
res <- soilColor.wcs(list(aoi = c(-116, 35, -115.5, 35.5), crs = "EPSG:4326"), 
                   var = 'sc025cm', res = 270)

# note colors and other metadata are stored
# in raster attribute table
plot(res, col = cats(res)[[1]]$col, axes = FALSE, legend = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

soilDB documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:53 a.m.