Man pages for soiltexture
Functions for Soil Texture Plot, Classification and Transformation

soiltexture_guiText-based menu for plotting and classifying soil texture...
soiltextureInfoDisplay and / or export system and package version...
soiltexture-packagesoiltexture: Functions for Soil Texture Plot, Classification...
TT.addFunction to add a new default package parameters.
TT.baseplotInternal. Create an empty plot scene for a texture triangle.
TT.chemometrics.alrCompute the additive log-ratio transformation of...
TT.classesPlot the texture classes polygons in a texture triangle plot.
TT.classes.tblReturns the table of classes of a texture classification...
TT.contourWrapper for the contour() function adapted to texture...
TT.datasetGenetates a virtual cross correlated clay silt sand + Z... the validity of some soil texture data table (3 particle... the validity of some soil texture data table (X particle...
TT.dia2phiConvert a soil particle diameter dia [micro-meters] into phi...
TT.geo.getRetrieve and return the geometrical parameters from a list of...
TT.getFunction to retrieve / get the default package parameters.
TT.gridPlot a grid at regular texture intervals inside an existing...
TT.imageWrapper for the image() function adapted to texture...
TT.iwdInverse weighted distance interpolation on a grid.
TT.kde2dCalculated the 2D probabilty density on an x-y grid.
TT.locatorInteractive (mouse clic) retrieval the CLAY SILT SAND...
TT.mahalanobisCalculates the Mahalanobis distance between clay silt and...
TT.normalise.sumNormalises the sum of the 3 particle size classes.
TT.normalise.sum.XNormalises the sum of the X particle size classes.
TT.plotPlot soil texture triangles / diagrams.
TT.pointsPlot a soil texture data table as points on an existing... a table of soil texture data according to a soil...
TT.setFunction to change / set the default package parameters.
TT.strStretch or reshape the range of value of some data set.
TT.textPlot text labels for each values of a soil texture data table...
TT.text.transfLog-linear transformation of a soil texture data table...
TT.text.transf.XLog-linear transformation of a soil texture data table...
TT.vertices.plotPlot the vertices of a texture classification system.
TT.vertices.tblReturns the table of vertices of a texture classification...
soiltexture documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:53 a.m.