soiltextureInfo: Display and / or export system and package version...

View source: R/soiltextureInfo.R

soiltextureInfoR Documentation

Display and / or export system and package version information


Display and / or export system and package version information. Can be used to provide an overview of the system and the R packages that were used to produce some calculations, thus improving the traceability of that work in the long run.


  file = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  depends = FALSE,
  md5 = TRUE,
  packages = "soiltexture"



Single character string. Name of the text file (with or without its path) in which the information will be exported. If NULL (default), information are not exported.


Single logical value. If TRUE, information are displayed on the screen.


Single logical value. If TRUE, information on packages dependencies are also displayed, in the same way


Single logical value. If TRUE, the package MD5 checksums are returned too


Single character string. Name of the package whose information must be returned.


Invisibly returns the information as a vector of character strings


Julien Moeys [aut, cre], Wei Shangguan [ctb], Rainer Petzold [ctb], Budiman Minasny [ctb], Bogdan Rosca [ctb], Nic Jelinski [ctb], Wiktor Zelazny [ctb], Rodolfo Marcondes Silva Souza [ctb], Jose Lucas Safanelli [ctb], Alexandre ten Caten [ctb]

See Also

The base functions that were used internally to compile the information: Sys.time,, version, zpackages, installed.packages, package_dependencies. See also the MD5 file in each package directory (and md5sum for generating these MD5 checksums).


library( "soiltexture" )

#   Temporary file where the info will be exported:
f <- tempfile() 

#   Generate package information
soiltextureInfo( file = f, depends = TRUE, verbose = FALSE )

#   Read again the info (as for verbose = TRUE)
cat( readLines( f ), sep = "\n" ) 
unlink( f )

#   Also works with other packages
soiltextureInfo( packages = "sp" )

soiltexture documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:53 a.m.