post-fit: Applying post-fit procedures on spaMM results

post-fitR Documentation

Applying post-fit procedures on spaMM results


Packages implementing post-fit procedures define helper functions which may not handle spaMM's fit objects, or which have not always handled them, or which can handle them correctly only with some non-default arguments. This documentation topic gives further directions to apply some such post-fit procedures (from packages DHARMa, RLRsim, multcomp and lmerTest) to these fit objects.

For other procedures not considered here, diagnosing a failure in a debugging session may suggest a simple solution (as it did for multcomp::glht).


For multiple comparison procedures by ⁠multcomp::glht⁠, one has to explicitly give the argument coef.=fixef.HLfit (see Examples; fixef.HLfit is the spaMM method for the generic function fixef);

For DHARMa plots, see Details of plot.HLfit;

For using RLRsim::RLRTSim(), see get_RLRTSim_args.

For using lmerTest::contest() or lmerTest::anova(), see as_LMLT.


if (requireNamespace("multcomp", quietly = TRUE)) {
  irisr <- cbind(iris,id=sample(4,replace=TRUE,size=nrow(iris)))
  irisfit <- fitme(Petal.Length~ Species +(1|id), data=irisr, family=Gamma(log))
  summary(glht(irisfit,mcp("Species" = "Tukey"), coef.=fixef.HLfit))

spaMM documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:48 a.m.

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