register_cF: Declare corrFamily constructor for use in formula

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register_cFR Documentation

Declare corrFamily constructor for use in formula


register_cF registers the name of a new corrFamily constructor so that it can be used as the keyword of a random effect in a formula (as in y ~ 1 + ARp()). unregister_cF cancels this.


register_cF(corrFamilies = NULL, reset = FALSE)



NULL, or character vector of names of corrFamily constructors.


Boolean. Set it to TRUE in order to reset the list of registered constructors to the spaMM built-in default, before registering the ones specified by corrFamilies.


No value; operates through side-effects on internal variables.


ts <- data.frame(lh=lh,time=seq(48)) ## using 'lh' data from 'stats' package

myARp <- ARp                   #  defines 'new' corrFamily from built-in one

# Now, this would not yet work:

# fitme(lh ~ 1 + myARp(1|time), data=ts, method="REML")

# but this works if we first register "myARp"

register_cF("myARp")           #  registers it

fitme(lh ~ 1 + myARp(1|time), data=ts, method="REML")
# same as 
fitme(lh ~ 1 + corrFamily(1|time), data=ts, method="REML",
# showing it's possible not to register myARp, 
# although this has limitations (see Details in help("corrFamily")).

## Specifying arguments of the corrFamily constructor:

fitme(lh ~ 1 + myARp(1|time, p=3), data=ts, method="REML")
# same as
fitme(lh ~ 1 + corrFamily(1|time), data=ts, method="REML",
unregister_cF("myARp") # Tidy things before leaving.                  

spaMM documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:48 a.m.

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