
library( spacesXYZ )

options( width=144 )
printf <- function( msg, ... )
    mess = sprintf( msg[1], ... )    # should this really be msg[1] ?
    cat( mess, '\n' )   #, file=stderr() )

testDeltaE.2000 <- function()
    printf( "\n---------------------  testDeltaE.2000()  -----------------------" )

    # path    = file.path( extdata, "ciede2000testdata.txt" )     #; print(path)  
    path    = system.file( 'extdata/ciede2000testdata.txt', package='spacesXYZ' )    
    if( ! file.exists( path ) )
        print( getwd() )    
        cat( "File ", path, " does not exist!\n", file=stderr() )
    df      = read.table( path, sep='\t', quote='', head=T )    #; print(df)
    Lab1    = as.matrix( df[ , 1:3 ] )
    Lab2    = as.matrix( df[ , 4:6 ] )
    dE.true = df[ ,7]
    #   print(  cbind( Lab1, Lab2, DeltaE( Lab1, Lab2, metric=c(1976,2000) ) )  )
    dE.mine = DeltaE( Lab1, Lab2, metric=2000 )
    print( abs(dE.true - dE.mine) )
    err = max(abs(dE.true - dE.mine))
    printf( "Max error = %g", err )
    #   check for noLD  (no long-double)
    bytes.LD = .Machine$sizeof.longdouble
    if( 0 < bytes.LD )
        # the usual case
        tol = 1.e-4
        tol = 5.e-4

    df  = cbind( df, dE.mine=dE.mine )
    #print( cbind( dE.true, dE.mine ) )    
    #dig = decimalplaces( dE.true )          # ; print(dig)
    #   dE.true[1] = dE.true[1] + 10^(-dig) check for failure
    # mask    = round(dE.mine,dig) != dE.true #; print( mask )
    mask    = tol < abs(dE.true - dE.mine)
    if( any(mask) )
        printf( "DeltaE.2000 failed for %d samples.  tol=%g", sum(mask), tol )
        print( df[ mask, ,drop=F ] )
    return( TRUE )
decimalplaces <- function( x )
    for( i in 0:16 )
        if( identical( x, round(x,i) ) ) return(i)

if( ! testDeltaE.2000() )   stop( "testDeltaE.2000() failed !", call.=FALSE )

printf(  "\nPassed all DeltaE tests !" )

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spacesXYZ documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:33 a.m.