available.h0: Available global bandwidth range

View source: R/available.h0.R

available.h0R Documentation

Available global bandwidth range


Gets universally available global bandwidths as represented by several multi-scale density estimate objects





Any number of objects of class msden; possibly named.


This simple function merely accesses and returns the maximum lower limit and minimum upper limit of all h0range components of the msden objects passed through .... Natural numeric error arising from any changes to the bandwidth-axis discretisation resolution in the creation of the msden objects (i.e. through the 'dimz' argument) means individual global bandwidth ranges can differ slightly between affected multi-scale estimates, even if they are all applied to the same data set. Can additionally be useful when, for example, creating asymmetric relative risk surfaces based on slices of multi-scale densities with respect to the case and control data sets, because the bandwidth factors differ.

Throws an error if one or more of the h0range components is incompatible (i.e. all h0range components must overlap).


A numeric vector of length 2 providing the range of available global bandwidths compatible with all supplied multi-scale density estimates.


T.M. Davies

See Also

multiscale.density, multiscale.slice


# See ?multiscale.slice

sparr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:17 p.m.