exports | UK Trade in Goods (Exports) Dataset |
fillNA | Interpolation of missing data |
inflation | UK Inflation Dataset |
kalmanMultivariate | Classic Multivariate KFS Equations |
kalmanUnivariate | Univariate filtering (sequential processing) for fast KFS |
logspace | logspace |
missing_data_plot | Plot the missing data in a data matrix/frame |
plot.sparseDFM | sparseDFM Plot Outputs |
predict.sparseDFM | Forecasting factor estimates and data series. |
raggedEdge | Generate a ragged edge structure for a data matrix |
residuals.sparseDFM | sparseDFM Residuals and Fitted Values |
sparseDFM | Estimate a Sparse Dynamic Factor Model |
summary.sparseDFM | sparseDFM Summary Outputs |
transformData | Transform data to make it stationary |
tuneFactors | Tune for the number of factors to use |
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