kalmanUnivariate | R Documentation |
Univariate treatment (sequential processing) of the multivariate Kalman filter and smoother equations for fast implementation. Refer to Koopman and Durbin (2000).
kalmanUnivariate(X, a0_0, P0_0, A, Lambda, Sig_e, Sig_u)
X |
n x p, numeric matrix of (stationary) time series |
a0_0 |
k x 1, initial state mean vector |
P0_0 |
k x k, initial state covariance matrix |
A |
k x k, state transition matrix |
Lambda |
p x k, measurement matrix |
Sig_e |
p x p, measurement equation residuals covariance matrix (diagonal) |
Sig_u |
k x k, state equation residuals covariance matrix |
For full details of the univariate filtering approach, please refer to Mosley et al. (2023). Note that n
is the number of observations, p
is the number of time series, and k
is the number of states.
logl log-likelihood of the innovations from the Kalman filter
at_t k \times n
, filtered state mean vectors
Pt_t k \times k \times n
, filtered state covariance matrices
at_n k \times n
, smoothed state mean vectors
Pt_n k \times k \times n
, smoothed state covariance matrices
Pt_tlag_n k \times k \times n
, smoothed state covariance with lag
Koopman, S. J., & Durbin, J. (2000). Fast filtering and smoothing for multivariate state space models. Journal of Time Series Analysis, 21(3), 281-296.
Mosley, L., Chan, TS., & Gibberd, A. (2023). sparseDFM: An R Package to Estimate Dynamic Factor Models with Sparse Loadings.
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