
#' Lansing Woods Trees
#' This is the Lansing Woods Tree data set and an arbitrary polygon boundary
#' within unit square.
#' @format \code{lansing } is an \R \code{data.frame} with \code{x, y, marks}
#'   and \code{polyb} is an \R matrix with \code{x, y}.
#' @source Lansing Woods trees from Lansing Woods, Clinton County, Michigan USA,
#'   including hickories, maples, and oaks.
#' @note The Lansing Woods tree data set and the arbitrary polygon are provided
#'   here for the demonstration of the basic usage of this package. See Section
#'   \bold{Examples} in \code{\link{spatialkernel-package}}.
#' @references
#' Gerrard, D.J. (1969) Competition quotient: a new measure of the competition
#'   affecting individual forest trees. \emph{Research Bulletin 20}, 
#'   Agricultural Experiment Station, Michigan State University.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @docType data
#' @name data
#' @aliases lansing polyb

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spatialkernel documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:26 p.m.