grow.rectangle: Add margins to rectangle

View source: R/wingeom.R

grow.rectangleR Documentation

Add margins to rectangle


Adds a margin to a rectangle.


 grow.rectangle(W, xmargin=0, ymargin=xmargin, fraction=NULL)



A window (object of class "owin"). Must be of type "rectangle".


Width of horizontal margin to be added. A single nonnegative number, or a vector of length 2 indicating margins of unequal width at left and right.


Height of vertical margin to be added. A single nonnegative number, or a vector of length 2 indicating margins of unequal width at bottom and top.


Fraction of width and height to be added. A number greater than zero, or a numeric vector of length 2 indicating different fractions of width and of height, respectively. Incompatible with specifying xmargin and ymargin.


This is a simple convenience function to add a margin of specified width and height on each side of a rectangular window. Unequal margins can also be added.


Another object of class "owin" representing the window after margins are added.




See Also

trim.rectangle, dilation, erosion, owin.object


  w <- square(10)
  # add a margin of width 1 on all four sides
  square12 <- grow.rectangle(w, 1)

  # add margin of width 3 on the right side
  # and margin of height 4 on top.
  v <- grow.rectangle(w, c(0,3), c(0,4))

  # grow by 5 percent on all sides
  grow.rectangle(w, fraction=0.05)

spatstat.geom documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:09 a.m.