mergeLevels: Merge Levels of a Factor

View source: R/factors.R

mergeLevelsR Documentation

Merge Levels of a Factor


Specified levels of the factor will be merged into a single level.


mergeLevels(.f, ...)



A factor (or a factor-valued pixel image or a point pattern with factor-valued marks).


List of name=value pairs, where name is the new merged level, and value is the vector of old levels that will be merged.


This utility function takes a factor .f and merges specified levels of the factor.

The grouping is specified by the arguments ... which must each be given in the form new=old, where new is the name for the new merged level, and old is a character vector containing the old levels that are to be merged.

The result is a new factor (or factor-valued object), in which the levels listed in old have been replaced by a single level new.

An argument of the form name=character(0) or name=NULL is interpreted to mean that all other levels of the old factor should be mapped to name.


Another factor of the same length as .f (or object of the same kind as .f).

Tips for manipulating factor levels

To remove unused levels from a factor f, just type f <- factor(f).

To change the ordering of levels in a factor, use factor(f, levels=l) or relevel(f, ref).


\adrian \rolf

and \ege

See Also

factor, relevel


   likert <- c("Strongly Agree", "Agree", "Neutral",
               "Disagree", "Strongly Disagree")
   answers <- factor(sample(likert, 15, replace=TRUE), levels=likert)
   mergeLevels(answers, Positive=c("Strongly Agree", "Agree"),
                        Negative=c("Strongly Disagree", "Disagree"))

spatstat.geom documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 9:08 a.m.