rescale.psp: Convert Line Segment Pattern to Another Unit of Length

View source: R/rescale.R

rescale.pspR Documentation

Convert Line Segment Pattern to Another Unit of Length


Converts a line segment pattern dataset to another unit of length.


 ## S3 method for class 'psp'
rescale(X, s, unitname)



Line segment pattern (object of class "psp").


Conversion factor: the new units are s times the old units.


Optional. New name for the unit of length. See unitname.


This is a method for the generic function rescale.

The spatial coordinates in the line segment pattern X (and its window) will be re-expressed in terms of a new unit of length that is s times the current unit of length given in X. (Thus, the coordinate values are divided by s, while the unit value is multiplied by s).

The result is a line segment pattern representing the same data but re-expressed in a different unit.

Mark values are unchanged.

If s is missing, then the coordinates will be re-expressed in ‘native’ units; for example if the current unit is equal to 0.1 metres, then the coordinates will be re-expressed in metres.


Another line segment pattern (of class "psp"), representing the same data, but expressed in the new units.


The result of this operation is equivalent to the original segment pattern. If you want to actually change the coordinates by a linear transformation, producing a segment pattern that is not equivalent to the original one, use affine.



and \rolf

See Also

units, affine, rotate, shift


   X <- copper$Lines
   # data are in km
   # convert to metres
   rescale(X, 1/1000)

   # convert data and rename unit
   rescale(X, 1/1000, c("metre", "metres"))

spatstat.geom documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:09 a.m.