solapply: Apply a Function Over a List and Obtain a List of Objects

View source: R/solist.R

solapplyR Documentation

Apply a Function Over a List and Obtain a List of Objects


Applies the function FUN to each element of the list X, and returns the result as a list of class "solist" or "anylist" as appropriate.


  anylapply(X, FUN, ...)

  solapply(X, FUN, ..., check = TRUE, promote = TRUE, demote = FALSE)



A list.


Function to be applied to each element of X.


Additional arguments to FUN.

check, promote, demote

Arguments passed to solist which determine how to handle different classes of objects.


These convenience functions are similar to lapply except that they return a list of class "solist" or "anylist".

In both functions, the result is computed by lapply(X, FUN, ...).

In anylapply the result is converted to a list of class "anylist" and returned.

In solapply the result is converted to a list of class "solist" if possible, using as.solist. If this is not possible, then the behaviour depends on the argument demote. If demote=TRUE the result will be returned as a list of class "anylist". If demote=FALSE (the default), an error occurs.


A list, usually of class "solist".




See Also

solist, anylist.


  solapply(waterstriders, distmap)

spatstat.geom documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 9:08 a.m.