weighted.median: Weighted Median, Quantiles or Variance

View source: R/weightedStats.R

weighted.medianR Documentation

Weighted Median, Quantiles or Variance


Compute the median, quantiles or variance of a set of numbers which have weights associated with them.


weighted.median(x, w, na.rm = TRUE, type=2, collapse=TRUE)

weighted.quantile(x, w, probs=seq(0,1,0.25), na.rm = TRUE, type=4, collapse=TRUE)

weighted.var(x, w, na.rm = TRUE)



Data values. A vector of numeric values, for which the median or quantiles are required.


Weights. A vector of nonnegative numbers, of the same length as x.


Probabilities for which the quantiles should be computed. A numeric vector of values between 0 and 1.


Logical. Whether to ignore NA values.


Integer specifying the rule for calculating the median or quantile, corresponding to the rules available for quantile. The only valid choices are type=1, 2 or 4. See Details.


Research use only.


The ith observation x[i] is treated as having a weight proportional to w[i].

The weighted median is a value m such that the total weight of data less than or equal to m is equal to half the total weight. More generally, the weighted quantile with probability p is a value q such that the total weight of data less than or equal to q is equal to p times the total weight.

If there is no such value, then

  • if type=1, the next largest value is returned (this is the right-continuous inverse of the left-continuous cumulative distribution function);

  • if type=2, the average of the two surrounding values is returned (the average of the right-continuous and left-continuous inverses);

  • if type=4, linear interpolation is performed.

Note that the default rule for weighted.median is type=2, consistent with the traditional definition of the median, while the default for weighted.quantile is type=4.


A numeric value or vector.




See Also

quantile, median.


  x <- 1:20
  w <- runif(20)
  weighted.median(x, w)
  weighted.quantile(x, w)
  weighted.var(x, w)

spatstat.geom documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:09 a.m.