
Defines functions MI.ev

Documented in MI.ev

#' @name MI.ev
#' @title Moran Coefficients of Eigenvectors
#' @description Calculates the Moran coefficient for each eigenvector.
#' @param W spatial connectivity matrix
#' @param evals vector of eigenvalues
#' @return Returns a vector containing the Moran coefficients of the
#' eigenvectors associated with the supplied eigenvalues.
#' @author Sebastian Juhl
#' @references Le Gallo, Julie and Antonio Páez (2013): Using synthetic
#' variables in instrumental variable estimation of spatial series models.
#' Environment and Planning A, 45 (9): pp. 2227 - 2242.
#' Tiefelsdorf, Michael and Barry Boots (1995): The Exact Distribution
#' of Moran's I. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 27 (6):
#' pp. 985 - 999.
#' @seealso \code{\link{lmFilter}}, \code{\link{glmFilter}}, \code{\link{getEVs}},
#' \code{\link{MI.sf}}
#' @export

MI.ev <- function(W, evals) {
  n <- nrow(W)
  evMI <- vapply(evals, function(evals) n / crossprod(rep(1, n), W %*% rep(1, n)) * evals,
                 FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))

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