
Defines functions spkernel2d

Documented in spkernel2d

spkernel2d <- function(pts, poly, h0, grd, kernel = "quartic") {
#    require(sp, quietly=TRUE)
    pts <- coordinates(pts)
    storage.mode(pts) <- "double"
    storage.mode(poly) <- "double"
    nptsk <- nrow(pts)
    npoly <- length(poly[, 1])
    poly <- rbind(poly, c(poly[1, 1], poly[1, 2]))
#    a1 <- slot(grd, "cellcentre.offset")[1]
    a1 <- slot(grd, "cellcentre.offset")[1] - (slot(grd, "cellsize")[1])/2
    a2 <- a1 + slot(grd, "cellsize")[1] * slot(grd, "cells.dim")[1]
#    b1 <-  slot(grd, "cellcentre.offset")[2]
    b1 <-  slot(grd, "cellcentre.offset")[2] - (slot(grd, "cellsize")[2])/2
    b2 <- b1 + slot(grd, "cellsize")[2] * slot(grd, "cells.dim")[2]
    nx <- slot(grd, "cells.dim")[1]
    ny <- slot(grd, "cells.dim")[2]
    xgrid <- rep(0, nx)
    ygrid <- rep(0, ny)
    zgrid <- matrix(0, nx, ny)
    storage.mode(xgrid) <- "double"
    storage.mode(ygrid) <- "double"
    storage.mode(zgrid) <- "double"
    if (kernel == "quartic") {
        klist <- .Fortran("krnqrt", pts[, 1], pts[, 
            2], as.integer(nptsk), poly[, 1], poly[, 
            2], as.integer(npoly), as.double(h0), as.double(a1), 
            as.double(a2), as.double(b1), as.double(b2), as.integer(nx), 
            as.integer(ny), xgrid = xgrid, ygrid = ygrid, 
            zgrid = zgrid, PACKAGE = "splancs")
        is.na(klist$zgrid) <- klist$zgrid < 0
        res <- c(klist$zgrid[,ncol(zgrid):1])
    else {
        stop("Invalid kernel function specification")

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splancs documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:22 a.m.