predict0_vc: Spatial predictions for explained variables and spatially...

View source: R/predict0_vc.R

predict0_vcR Documentation

Spatial predictions for explained variables and spatially varying coefficients


This function predicts explained variables and spatially and non-spatially varying coefficients. IMPORTANT: This function will be retired in the next update. Use the predict0 function (auguments are the same).


predict0_vc( mod, meig0, x0 = NULL, xgroup0 = NULL, xconst0 = NULL,
             offset0 = NULL, weight0 = NULL, compute_se=FALSE, compute_quantile = FALSE )



Output from resf_vc or besf_vc


Moran eigenvectors at prediction sites. Output from meigen0


Matrix of explanatory variables at prediction sites whose coefficients are allowed to vary across geographical space (N_0 x K). Default is NULL


Matrix of group indeces at prediction sites that may be group IDs (integers) or group names (N_0 x K_g). Default is NULL


Matrix of explanatory variables at prediction sites whose coefficients are assumed constant (or NVC) across space (N_0 x K_const). Default is NULL


Vector of offset variables at prediction sites (N x 1). Available if y is count (see nongauss_y). Default is NULL


Vector of weights for predicted sites (N_0 x 1). Required if compute_se = TRUE or compute_quantile = TRUE


If TRUE, predictive standard error is evaulated. It is currently supported only for continuous variables. If nongauss is specified in mod, standard error for the transformed y is evaluated. Default is FALSE


If TRUE, Matrix of the quantiles for the predicted values (N x 15) is evaulated. Default is FALSE



Matrix with the first column for the predicted values (pred). The second and the third columns are the predicted trend component (i.e., component explained by x0 and xconst0) (xb) and the residual spatial process (sf_residual). If xgroup0 is specified, the fourth column is the predicted group effects (group) If tr_num > 0 or tr_nonneg ==TRUE (i.e., y is transformed) in resf_vc, another column including the predicted values in the transformed/normalized scale (pred_trans) is inserted into the second column


Matrix of estimated spatially (and non-spatially) varying coefficients (S(N)VCs) on x0 (N_0 x K)


Matrix of estimated standard errors for the S(N)VCs (N_0 x K)


Matrix of estimated t-values for the S(N)VCs (N_0 x K)


Matrix of estimated p-values for the S(N)VCs (N_0 x K)


Matrix of estimated non-spatially varying coefficients (NVCs) on xconst0 (N_0 x K)


Matrix of estimated standard errors for the NVCs (N_0 x K)


Matrix of estimated t-values for the NVCs (N_0 x K)


Matrix of estimated p-values for the NVCs (N_0 x K)


Drineas, P. and Mahoney, M.W. (2005) On the Nystrom method for approximating a gram matrix for improved kernel-based learning. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 6 (2005), 2153-2175.

Murakami, D., Yoshida, T., Seya, H., Griffith, D.A., and Yamagata, Y. (2017) A Moran coefficient-based mixed effects approach to investigate spatially varying relationships. Spatial Statistics, 19, 68-89.

See Also

meigen0, predict0


samp    <- sample( dim( boston.c )[ 1 ], 300)

d       <- boston.c[ samp, ]    ## Data at observed sites
y	      <- d[, "CMEDV"]
x       <- d[,c("ZN", "LSTAT")]
xconst  <- d[,c("CRIM", "NOX", "AGE", "DIS", "RAD", "TAX", "PTRATIO", "B", "RM")]
coords  <- d[,c("LON", "LAT")]

d0      <- boston.c[-samp, ]    ## Data at unobserved sites
y0      <- d0[, "CMEDV"]
x0      <- d0[,c("ZN", "LSTAT")]
xconst0 <- d0[,c("CRIM", "NOX", "AGE", "DIS", "RAD", "TAX", "PTRATIO", "B", "RM")]
coords0 <- d0[,c("LON", "LAT")]

############ Model estimation
meig    <- meigen( coords )
mod	    <- resf_vc(y=y, meig=meig, x=x, xconst=xconst )

############ Spatial prediction of y and spatially varying coefficients
meig0   <- meigen0( meig=meig, coords0=coords0)
pred0   <- predict0_vc( mod = mod, meig0=meig0, x0 = x0, xconst0=xconst0 )

pred0$pred[1:5,]  # Predicted explained variables
pred0$b_vc[1:5,]  # Predicted SVCs
pred0$bse_vc[1:5,]# Predicted standard errors of the SVCs
pred0$z_vc[1:5,]  # Predicted z-values of the SVCs
pred0$p_vc[1:5,]  # Predicted p-values of the SVCs


spmoran documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:30 a.m.

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