
Defines functions dbl_run bbt_run glicko2_run glicko_run rating_run

Documented in bbt_run dbl_run glicko2_run glicko_run rating_run

#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom stats setNames terms update

#' Apply rating algorithm
#' Apply rating algorithm
#' @param formula formula which specifies the model. RHS Allows only player
#' rating parameter and it should be specified in following manner:\cr
#' `rank | id ~ player(name)`.
#' - `rank` player position in event.
#' - `id` event identifier in which pairwise comparison is assessed.
#' - `player(name)` name of the contestant. In this case `player(name)`
#'     helps algorithm point name of the column where player names are stored.
#' Users can also specify formula in in different way:\cr
#'  `rank | id ~ player(name|team)`. Which means that players are playing in teams,
#'  and results are observed for teams not for players. For more see vignette.
#' @param method one of `c("glicko", "glicko2", "bbt", "dbl")`
#' @param data data.frame which contains columns specified in formula, and
#'  optional columns defined by `lambda`, `weight`.
#' @param r named vector of initial players ratings estimates. If not specified
#' then `r` will be created automatically for parameters specified in `formula`
#' with initial value `init_r`.
#' @param rd rd named vector of initial rating deviation estimates. If not specified
#' then `rd` will be created automatically for parameters specified in `formula`
#' with initial value `init_rd`.
#' @param sigma (only for glicko2) named vector of initial players ratings
#' estimates. If not specified then `sigma` will be created automatically for
#' parameters specified in `formula` with initial value `init_sigma`.
#' @param lambda name of the column in `data` containing lambda values or one
#' constant value (eg. `lambda = colname` or `lambda = 0.5`).
#' Lambda impact prior variance, and uncertainty of the matchup result. The
#' higher lambda, the higher prior variance and more uncertain result of the
#' matchup. Higher lambda flattens chances of winning.
#' @param share name of the column in `data` containing player share in team
#' efforts. It's used to first calculate combined rating of the team and
#' then redistribute ratings update back to players level. Warning - it should
#' be used only if formula is specified with players nested within teams (`player(player|team)`).
#' @param weight name of the column in `data` containing weights values or
#' one constant (eg. `weight = colname` or `weight = 0.5`).
#' Weights increasing (weight > 1) or decreasing (weight < 1) update change.
#' Higher weight increasing impact of event result on rating estimate.
#' @param kappa controls `rd` shrinkage not to be greater than `rd*(1 - kappa)`.
#'  `kappa=1` means that  `rd` will not be decreased.
#' @param tau The system constant. Which constrains the change in volatility over
#'  time. Reasonable choices are between 0.3 and 1.2 (`default = 0.5`), though
#'  the system should be tested to decide which value results in greatest
#'  predictive accuracy. Smaller values of `tau` prevent the volatility measures
#'  from changing by large amounts, which in turn prevent enormous changes in
#'  ratings based on very improbable results. If the application of Glicko-2 is
#'  expected to involve extremely improbable collections of game outcomes, then
#'  `tau` should be set to a small value, even as small as, say, `tau= 0`.
#' @param init_r initial values for `r` if not provided.
#' Default (`glicko = 1500`, `glicko2 = 1500`, `bbt = 25`,
#' `dbl = 0`)
#' @param init_rd initial values for `rd` if not provided.
#' Default (`glicko = 350`, `glicko2 = 350`, `bbt = 25/3`, `dbl = 1`)
#' @param init_sigma initial values for `sigma` if not provided.
#' Default = 0.5
#' @keywords internal
rating_run <- function(
    r = numeric(0),
    rd = numeric(0),
    sigma = numeric(0),
    init_r = numeric(0),
    init_rd = numeric(0),
    init_sigma = numeric(0),
    lambda = numeric(0),
    share = numeric(0),
    weight = numeric(0),
    kappa = numeric(0),
    tau = numeric(0)) {
  if (length(kappa) == 0) kappa <- 0.5
  if (length(tau) == 0) tau <- 0.5

  if (method == "glicko2") {
    check_single_argument(init_sigma, "init_sigma", min = 0.00000000001)
    check_single_argument(tau, "tau", min = 0.00000000001)

  is_lhs_valid(formula, data)
  is_rhs_valid(formula, data, only_team_term = TRUE, single = FALSE)
  check_single_argument(init_r, "init_r", min = 0)
  check_single_argument(init_rd, "init_rd", min = 0)

  rank <- get_rank_name(formula)
  rank_vec <- as.integer(data[[rank]])

  id <- get_id_name(formula)
  id_vec <- if (length(id) == 0) rep(1L, nrow(data)) else as.integer(data[[id]])

  team <- get_team_name(formula)
  player <- get_player_name(formula)
  are_variables_in_dataset(c(rank, id, team, player), data)

  team_vec <- as.character(data[[team]])
  player_vec <- if (length(player) == 0) team_vec else as.character(data[[player]])

  check_integer_argument(id_vec, id)
  check_integer_argument(rank_vec, rank)
  check_string_argument(player_vec, player)
  check_string_argument(team_vec, team)

  lambda_vec <- initialize_vec(var = lambda, data = data, argname = "lambda", min = 0)
  share_vec <- initialize_vec(var = share, data = data, argname = "share", min = 0, max = 1)
  weight_vec <- initialize_vec(var = weight, data = data, argname = "weight", min = 0)

  # default rating
  unique_names <- unique(c(unlist(player_vec), names(r), names(rd), names(sigma)))
  unique_id <- unique(id_vec)

  r <- init_check_r(r, init_r, unique_names, player)
  rd <- init_check_rd(rd, init_rd, unique_names, player)
  sigma <- init_check_sigma(sigma, init_sigma, unique_names, player, method)
  check_equal_names(r, rd)

  g <- if (method == "glicko") {
      unique_id = unique_id,
      id = id_vec,
      rank = rank_vec,
      team = team_vec,
      player = player_vec,
      r = r,
      rd = rd,
      sigma = numeric(0),
      init_r = init_r,
      init_rd = init_rd,
      init_sigma = 0.0,
      lambda = lambda_vec,
      share = share_vec,
      weight = weight_vec,
      kappa = kappa,
      tau = 0.0
  } else if (method == "glicko2") {
      id = id_vec,
      rank = rank_vec,
      team = team_vec,
      player = player_vec,
      r = r,
      rd = rd,
      sigma = sigma,
      init_r = init_r,
      init_rd = init_rd,
      init_sigma = init_sigma,
      lambda = lambda_vec,
      share = share_vec,
      weight = weight_vec,
      kappa = kappa,
      tau = tau
  } else if (method == "bbt") {
      id = id_vec,
      rank = rank_vec,
      team = team_vec,
      player = player_vec,
      r = r,
      rd = rd,
      sigma = numeric(0),
      init_r = init_r,
      init_rd = init_rd,
      init_sigma = 0.0,
      lambda = lambda_vec,
      share = share_vec,
      weight = weight_vec,
      kappa = kappa,
      tau = 0.0

  ratings <- data.table::rbindlist(g$r)
  pairs <- data.table::rbindlist(g$p)

  rhs_terms <- extract_team_terms(formula)
  if (length(rhs_terms) == 1) {
    ratings <- ratings[, "player" := NULL]
    names(ratings)[names(ratings) == "team"] <- rhs_terms[1]
    names(pairs)[names(pairs) == "team"] <- rhs_terms[1]
  } else {
    names(ratings)[names(ratings) == "player"] <- rhs_terms[1]
    names(ratings)[names(ratings) == "team"] <- rhs_terms[2]
    names(pairs)[names(pairs) == "team"] <- rhs_terms[2]

  g$r <- if (method == "glicko2") ratings else ratings[, "sigma" := NULL]
  g$p <- pairs


#' Glicko rating algorithm
#' Glicko rating algorithm
#' @inheritParams rating_run
#' @return
#' A "rating" object is returned:
#' - `final_r` named vector containing players ratings.
#' - `final_rd` named vector containing players ratings deviations.
#' - `r` data.frame with evolution of the ratings and ratings deviations
#'  estimated at each event.
#' - `pairs` pairwise combinations of players in analysed events with
#' prior probability and result of a challenge.
#' - `class` of the object.
#' - `method` type of algorithm used.
#' - `settings` arguments specified in function call.
#' @examples
#' # the simplest example
#' data <- data.frame(
#'   id = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
#'   team = c("A", "A", "B", "B"),
#'   player = c("a", "b", "c", "d"),
#'   rank_team = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
#'   rank_player = c(3, 4, 1, 2)
#' )
#' # Example from Glickman
#' glicko <- glicko_run(
#'   data = data,
#'   formula = rank_player | id ~ player(player),
#'   r = setNames(c(1500.0, 1400.0, 1550.0, 1700.0), c("a", "b", "c", "d")),
#'   rd = setNames(c(200.0, 30.0, 100.0, 300.0), c("a", "b", "c", "d"))
#' )
#' # nested matchup
#' glicko <- glicko_run(
#'   data = data,
#'   formula = rank_team | id ~ player(player | team)
#' )
#' @export
glicko_run <- function(data, formula,
                       r = numeric(0),
                       rd = numeric(0),
                       init_r = 1500,
                       init_rd = 350,
                       lambda = numeric(0),
                       share = numeric(0),
                       weight = numeric(0),
                       kappa = 0.5) {
  g <- rating_run(
    method = "glicko",
    data = data,
    formula = formula,
    r = r,
    rd = rd,
    init_r = init_r,
    init_rd = init_rd,
    share = share,
    weight = weight,
    lambda = lambda,
    kappa = kappa

  out <- structure(
      final_r = g$final_r,
      final_rd = g$final_rd,
      r = g$r,
      pairs = g$p
    class = "rating",
    method = "glicko",
    formula = formula,
    settings = list(
      init_r = init_r,
      init_rd = init_rd,
      lambda = lambda,
      share = share,
      weight = weight,
      kappa = kappa


#' Glicko2 rating algorithm
#' Glicko2 rating algorithm
#' @inheritParams rating_run
#' @return
#' A "rating" object is returned:
#' - `final_r` named vector containing players ratings.
#' - `final_rd` named vector containing players ratings deviations.
#' - `final_sigma` named vector containing players ratings volatile.
#' - `r` data.frame with evolution of the ratings and ratings deviations
#' estimated at each event.
#' - `pairs` pairwise combinations of players in analysed events with
#' prior probability and result of a challenge.
#' - `class` of the object.
#' - `method` type of algorithm used.
#' - `settings` arguments specified in function call.
#' @examples
#' # the simplest example
#' data <- data.frame(
#'   id = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
#'   team = c("A", "A", "B", "B"),
#'   player = c("a", "b", "c", "d"),
#'   rank_team = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
#'   rank_player = c(3, 4, 1, 2)
#' )
#' # Example from Glickman
#' glicko2 <- glicko2_run(
#'   data = data,
#'   formula = rank_player | id ~ player(player),
#'   r = setNames(c(1500.0, 1400.0, 1550.0, 1700.0), c("a", "b", "c", "d")),
#'   rd = setNames(c(200.0, 30.0, 100.0, 300.0), c("a", "b", "c", "d"))
#' )
#' # nested matchup
#' glicko2 <- glicko2_run(
#'   data = data,
#'   formula = rank_team | id ~ player(player | team)
#' )
#' @export
glicko2_run <- function(formula,
                        r = numeric(0),
                        rd = numeric(0),
                        sigma = numeric(0),
                        lambda = NULL,
                        share = NULL,
                        weight = NULL,
                        init_r = 1500,
                        init_rd = 350,
                        init_sigma = 0.05,
                        kappa = 0.5,
                        tau = 0.5) {
  g <- rating_run(
    method = "glicko2",
    data = data,
    formula = formula,
    r = r,
    rd = rd,
    sigma = sigma,
    init_r = init_r,
    init_rd = init_rd,
    init_sigma = init_sigma,
    lambda = lambda,
    share = share,
    weight = weight,
    kappa = kappa,
    tau = tau

  out <- structure(
      final_r = g$final_r,
      final_rd = g$final_rd,
      final_sigma = g$final_sigma,
      r = g$r,
      pairs = g$p
    class = "rating",
    method = "glicko2",
    formula = formula,
    settings = list(
      init_r = init_r,
      init_rd = init_rd,
      init_sigma = init_sigma,
      lambda = lambda,
      share = share,
      weight = weight,
      kappa = kappa,
      tau = tau

#' Bayesian Bradley-Terry
#' Bayesian Bradley-Terry
#' @inheritParams rating_run
#' @return
#' A "rating" object is returned:
#' - `final_r` named vector containing players ratings.
#' - `final_rd` named vector containing players ratings deviations.
#' - `r` data.frame with evolution of the ratings and ratings deviations
#'  estimated at each event.
#' - `pairs` pairwise combinations of players in analysed events with
#' prior probability and result of a challenge.
#' - `class` of the object.
#' - `method` type of algorithm used.
#' - `settings` arguments specified in function call.
#' @examples
#' # the simplest example
#' data <- data.frame(
#'   id = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
#'   team = c("A", "A", "B", "B"),
#'   player = c("a", "b", "c", "d"),
#'   rank_team = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
#'   rank_player = c(3, 4, 1, 2)
#' )
#' bbt <- bbt_run(
#'   data = data,
#'   formula = rank_player | id ~ player(player),
#'   r = setNames(c(25, 23.3, 25.83, 28.33), c("a", "b", "c", "d")),
#'   rd = setNames(c(4.76, 0.71, 2.38, 7.14), c("a", "b", "c", "d"))
#' )
#' # nested matchup
#' bbt <- bbt_run(
#'   data = data,
#'   formula = rank_team | id ~ player(player | team)
#' )
#' @export
bbt_run <- function(formula,
                    r = numeric(0),
                    rd = numeric(0),
                    init_r = 25,
                    init_rd = 25 / 3,
                    lambda = NULL,
                    share = NULL,
                    weight = NULL,
                    kappa = 0.5) {
  g <- rating_run(
    method = "bbt",
    data = data,
    formula = formula,
    r = r,
    rd = rd,
    init_r = init_r,
    init_rd = init_rd,
    lambda = lambda,
    share = share,
    weight = weight,
    kappa = kappa

  out <- structure(
      final_r = g$final_r,
      final_rd = g$final_rd,
      r = g$r,
      pairs = g$p
    class = "rating",
    method = "bbt",
    formula = formula,
    settings = list(
      init_r = init_r,
      init_rd = init_rd,
      lambda = lambda,
      share = share,
      weight = weight,
      kappa = kappa

#' Dynamic Bayesian Logit
#' Dynamic Bayesian Logit
#' @inheritParams rating_run
#' @param formula formula which specifies the model. Unlike other algorithms
#' in the packages (glicko_run, glicko2_run, bbt_run), this method doesn't allow
#' players nested in teams with `player(player | team)` and user should matchup
#' in formula using `player(player)`. DBL allows user specify multiple parameters
#' also in interaction with others.
#' @return
#' A "rating" object is returned:
#' - `final_r` named vector containing players ratings.
#' - `final_rd` named vector containing players ratings deviations.
#' - `r` data.frame with evolution of the ratings and ratings deviations
#'  estimated at each event.
#' - `pairs` pairwise combinations of players in analysed events with
#' prior probability and result of a challenge.
#' - `class` of the object.
#' - `method` type of algorithm used.
#' - `settings` arguments specified in function call.
#' @examples
#' # the simplest example
#' data <- data.frame(
#'   id = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
#'   name = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
#'   rank = c(3, 4, 1, 2),
#'   gate = c(1, 2, 3, 4),
#'   factor1 = c("a", "a", "b", "b"),
#'   factor2 = c("a", "b", "a", "b")
#' )
#' dbl <- dbl_run(
#'   data = data,
#'   formula = rank | id ~ player(name)
#' )
#' dbl <- dbl_run(
#'   data = data,
#'   formula = rank | id ~ player(name) + gate * factor1
#' )
#' @export
dbl_run <- function(formula,
                    r = NULL,
                    rd = NULL,
                    lambda = NULL,
                    weight = NULL,
                    kappa = 0.95,
                    init_r = 0,
                    init_rd = 1) {
  is_lhs_valid(formula, data)
  is_rhs_valid(formula, data, only_team_term = FALSE, single = TRUE)

  rank <- get_rank_name(formula)
  rank_vec <- as.integer(data[[rank]])

  id <- get_id_name(formula)
  id_vec <- if (length(id) == 0) rep(1L, nrow(data)) else as.integer(data[[id]])

  terms <- get_terms(data, formula)
  map <- get_terms_map(data, terms)
  x <- get_terms_mat(data, terms)
  cls <- get_terms_cls(data, terms)
  unique_params <- unname(unlist(apply(map, 2, unique)))

  team <- get_team_name(formula)
  team_vec <- as.character(data[[team]])

  r <- init_check_r(r, init_r, unique_params, "term columns")
  rd <- init_check_rd(rd, init_rd, unique_params, "term columns")
  check_equal_names(r, rd)

  lambda_vec <- initialize_vec(var = lambda, data = data, argname = "lambda", min = 0)
  weight_vec <- initialize_vec(var = weight, data = data, argname = "weight", min = 0)

  if (is.null(kappa)) kappa <- 0.0001

  g <- dbl(
    unique_id = unique(id_vec),
    id_vec = id_vec,
    rank_vec = rank_vec,
    team_vec = team_vec,
    MAP = as.matrix(map),
    X = as.matrix(x),
    cls = cls,
    R = r,
    RD = rd,
    lambda_vec = lambda_vec,
    weight_vec = weight_vec,
    kappa = kappa

  ratings <- data.table::rbindlist(g$r)
  pairs <- data.table::rbindlist(g$p)

  rhs_terms <- extract_team_terms(formula)
  names(ratings)[names(ratings) == "team"] <- rhs_terms[1]
  names(pairs)[names(pairs) == "team"] <- rhs_terms[1]

  out <- structure(
      final_r = g$final_r,
      final_rd = g$final_rd,
      r = ratings,
      pairs = pairs
    class = "rating",
    method = "dbl",
    formula = formula,
    settings = list(
      init_r = init_r,
      init_rd = init_rd,
      lambda = lambda,
      weight = weight,
      kappa = kappa


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