
Defines functions between get_address

# Function: get.address (not exported)
# Programmer: Guillaume Chauvet
# Adapted by: Marc Weber
# Date: September 2, 2020
#' Get Hierarchical Address
#' This function creates a tessellation of the two dimensional space, attributes
#' an address to each unit in the population and sorts the sampling frame in the
#' order given by the addresses. This function was used directly from Guillaume Chauvet and Ronan Le Gleut
#' as they describe in their paper Inference under pivotal sampling: Properties,
#' variance estimation, and application to tessellation for spatial sampling,
#' Scand J Statist. 2020;1–24.
#' GET ADDRESS: function to attribute an address to each unit and to sort the
#' sampling frame. The parameter rand allows a randomization of the tessellation.
#' The output is the order in which the sampling frame should be sorted.
#' BETWEEN: function to project the coordinates between two bounds low and up.
#' @param x The x-coordinate value in the sample frame of points.
#' @param y The y-coordinate value in the sample frame of points.
#' @param rand Whether or not to randomize the addressing.  Default is \code{TRUE}
#' @return A sorted sample frame.
#' @author Marc Weber \email{Weber.Marc@@epa.gov}
#' @keywords survey
#' @noRd

get_address <- function(x, y, rand = TRUE) {
  x <- trunc(between(x, 0, 2^31 - 1))
  y <- trunc(between(y, 0, 2^31 - 1))
  if (!rand) {
    a <- 0L
    b <- 1L
    c <- 2L
    d <- 3L
  } else {
    t <- sapply(1:32, function(i) sample(0:3))
    a <- rep(t[1, ], length(x))
    b <- rep(t[2, ], length(x))
    c <- rep(t[3, ], length(x))
    d <- rep(t[4, ], length(x))
  x <- as.logical(rev(intToBits(x)))
  y <- as.logical(rev(intToBits(y)))
  t <- a * (!x & !y) + b * (!x & y) + c * (x & !y) + d * (x & y)
  l <- lapply(2:32L, function(i) {
    rev(t[seq(i, length(t), by = 32L)])
  do.call(order, l)

between <- function(x, low = 0, up = 1) {
  minx <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  maxx <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  low + (up - low) * (x - minx) / (maxx - minx)

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