
Defines functions grtspts_ipleg

# Function: grtspts_ipleg (not exported)
# Programmers: Tony Olsen
# Date: January 22, 2021
#' Adjust the initial inclusion probabities for point sample to ensure inclusion of
#' legacy elements that must be in the sample.
#' @param ip Initial inclusion probability for the sample ignoring which elements in the
#'   sample frame must be included in the sample as legacy sites
#' @param legacy A logical vector that identifies whether an element of the sample
#'   frame is a legacy site (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}) that must be included in the sample.
#' @return A numeric vector of inclusion probabilities with all values being greater
#'   than \code{0} and less than or equal \code{1}. Values equal to \code{1} will be selected with certainty.
#'   Values equal to \code{0} will not be selected. Legacy sites will have an inclusion
#'   probability equal to \code{1}.
#' @author Tony Olsen \email{olsen.tony@@epa.gov}
#' @keywords survey, inclusion probability
#' @examples
#' a <- runif(30)
#' tmp <- grtspts_ipleg(ip = 10 * a / sum(a), legacy = c(
#'   TRUE, rep(FALSE, 5), TRUE, TRUE,
#'   rep(FALSE, 22)
#' ))
#' tmp
#' @noRd
grtspts_ipleg <- function(ip, legacy) {
  # determine sample size
  n <- sum(ip)
  # set legacy site inclusion probabilities equal to 1
  ip[legacy == TRUE] <- 1

  # determine number of elements with inclusion probability >= 1
  elem_nge1 <- ip >= 1
  nge1 <- sum(elem_nge1)

  # adjust non legacy ip to sum to n - nleg
  tst <- 0
  while (nge1 != tst) {
    tmp <- ip[!elem_nge1]
    ip[!elem_nge1] <- (n - nge1) * tmp / sum(tmp)
    tst <- nge1
    element_ge1 <- ip >= 1
    nge1 <- sum(element_ge1)

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