
Defines functions defineUM

Documented in defineUM

#' Define an uncertainty model for a single variable
#' Function that allows to define marginal uncertainty distributions 
#' for model inputs and subsequent Monte Carlo analysis.
#' If the uncertain object is a spatial object, the distribution parameters
#' or the probabilities for categories must be provided by means of maps,
#' for example if a spatial variable has a normal distribution, a map of means
#' and standard deviations must be provided. 
#' If crm is provided and spatial correlation between the residuals is assumed
#' only the normal distribution for residuals is allowed.
#' If no spatial correlations between residuals is assumed, allowed
#' distributions for marginal uncertainty models are listed in Table 1.
#' Table 1 Parametric probability models allowed in defineUM(). 
#' For more details look up ?distribution.
#' \tabular{rlllll}{ \tab \strong{Distribution} \tab \strong{Syntax} \tab \strong{Parameters} 
#' \cr \tab beta               \tab "beta"    \tab \eqn{shape1}, \eqn{shape2}, \eqn{ncp} 
#' \cr \tab binomial           \tab "binom"   \tab \eqn{size}, \eqn{prob}                
#' \cr \tab Cauchy             \tab "cauchy"  \tab \eqn{location}, \eqn{scale}             
#' \cr \tab chi-squared        \tab "chisq"   \tab \eqn{df}, \eqn{ncp}                   
#' \cr \tab exponential        \tab "exp"     \tab \eqn{rate}                             
#' \cr \tab gamma              \tab "gamma"   \tab \eqn{shape}, \eqn{rate}                
#' \cr \tab geometric          \tab "geom"    \tab \eqn{prob}                             
#' \cr \tab hypergeometric     \tab "hyper"   \tab \eqn{m}, \eqn{n}, \eqn{k}             
#' \cr \tab log-normal         \tab "lnorm"   \tab \eqn{meanlog}, \eqn{sdlog}            
#' \cr \tab negative binomial  \tab "nbinom"  \tab \eqn{size}, \eqn{prob}, \eqn{mu}    
#' \cr \tab normal             \tab "norm"    \tab \eqn{mean}, \eqn{sd} 
#' \cr \tab Poisson            \tab "pois"    \tab \eqn{lambda}
#' \cr \tab Student's          \tab "t"       \tab \eqn{df}, \eqn{ncp} 
#' \cr \tab uniform            \tab "unif"    \tab \eqn{min}, \eqn{max} 
#' \cr \tab Weibull            \tab "weibull" \tab \eqn{shape}, \eqn{scale} 
#' }
#' @param uncertain "TRUE" or "FALSE", determines if specification of
#' Uncertainty Model (UM) is needed. Currently not in use, but provided for 
#' furture implementation of contributions analysis. 
#' @param distribution a string that specifies which distribution to sample from. Only in use 
#' for continuos or discrete numerical variables. See Details for a list of supported distributions.
#' @param distr_param a vector or a list with distribution parameters. For example,
#' for the normal distribution in case of a spatial variable this must be a map
#' of means and a map of standard deviations. Only in use for continuous or discrete numerical variables.
#' @param crm a correlogram model, object of a class "SpatialCorrelogramModel", output of makecormodel().
#' Can only be specified for numerical variables.
#' @param categories a vector of categories. Only in use for categorical
#' (e.g. saved as character) or discrete numerical variables.
#' @param cat_prob spatial data frame or raster stack; a list of probabilities for the vector of categories.
#' Number of columns in the data frame cannot be smaller than number of categories. 
#' Only in use for categorical (e.g. saved as character) or discrete numerical variables.
#' @param id identifier of the variable; only in use if the UM defined here is to be used in defineUM()
#' to construct a joint UM for numerical variables.
#' @param ... additional parameters.
#' @return Object of a class "MarginalXxx" that includes all necessary information for creating realizations of
#' the uncertain variable. If provided arguments are: type of the distribution and corresponding parameters,
#' and corresponding parameters are spatial objects - an object of class "MarginalNumericSpatial".
#' If provided arguments are: type of the distribution and corresponding parameters, and corresponding
#' parameters are non-spatial objects - an object of class "MarginalNumericSpatial".
#' If provided arguments are: categories and probabilities, and probabilities are saved in a spatial object
#'  - an object of class "MarginalCategoricalSpatial". If provided arguments are: categories and probabilities,
#'   and probabilities are saved in a non-spatial object - an object of class "MarginalCategoricalDataFrame".
#' @author Kasia Sawicka, Gerard Heuvelink
#' @examples
#' # define uncertainty model for spatial numerical variable
#' data(dem30m, dem30m_sd)
#' dem_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.78, range = 321, model = "Exp")
#' demUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "norm",
#'                    distr_param = c(dem30m, dem30m_sd), crm = dem_crm)
#' class(demUM)
#' # define uncertainty model for spatial categorical variable
#' data(woon)
#' woonUM <- defineUM(TRUE, categories = c(1,2,3), cat_prob = woon[, c(4:6)])
#' class(woonUM)
#' # define uncertainty model for a variable desribed by a scalar
#' scalarUM <- defineUM(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = "gamma", distr_param = c(1,2))
#' class(scalarUM)
#' # define uncertainty model for two spatial cross-correlated variables
#' data(OC, OC_sd, TN, TN_sd)
#' OC_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.6, range = 1000, model = "Sph")
#' OC_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(OC, OC_sd), crm = OC_crm, id = "OC")
#' class(OC_UM)
#' TN_crm <- makeCRM(acf0 = 0.4, range = 1000, model = "Sph")
#' TN_UM <- defineUM(TRUE, distribution = "norm", distr_param = c(TN, TN_sd), crm = TN_crm, id = "TN")
#' class(TN_UM)
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
defineUM <- function(uncertain = TRUE, distribution = NULL, distr_param = NULL, 
                      crm = NULL, categories = NULL, cat_prob = NULL,
                      id = NULL, ...) {
  if (class(uncertain) != "logical")
    stop("uncertain must be logical")
  # must be explicit if want to work with continuous or categorical data
  if (!is.null(distr_param) & !is.null(cat_prob))
    stop("Only one of 'dist_param' or 'cat_prob' can be provided.")
  # recognise if it is a continuous or categorical variable
  # if it is continuous:
  # distribution parameters cannot be missing for continuous variable and all must be of the same class
  if(!is.null(distr_param)) {
    a <- class(distr_param[[1]])
    if (length(distr_param) > 1) {
      for (i in 1:(length(distr_param)-1)) {
        a <- c(a, class(distr_param[[i+1]]))
    if (!isTRUE(all(a == a[1])))
      stop("Distribution parameters must be objects of the same class.")
    # if distribution is not null, a string, and belongs to the list of supported distributions
    if (is.null(distribution))
      stop("Distribution type is missing.")
    if (class(distribution) != "character")
      stop("Distribution type must be 'string'.")
    # if all above OK, collate all information into a list
    um <- list(uncertain = uncertain,
               distribution = distribution,
               distr_param = distr_param, 
               crm = crm,
               id = id,
    # assign class
    if (check_if_Spatial(distr_param[[1]])) 
      class(um) <- "MarginalNumericSpatial" 
    else if (class(distr_param[[1]]) == "numeric") 
      class(um) <- "MarginalScalar"
      stop("Class of distribution parameters is not supported.")
  # if it categorical:
  } else if (is.null(distr_param)) {
    # vector of categories cannot be missing
    if (is.null(categories))
      stop("Categories argument is missing.")
    # if all above OK, collate all information into a list
    um <- list(uncertain = uncertain,
               categories = categories,
               cat_prob = cat_prob,
               id = id,
    # assign class
    if (check_if_Spatial(cat_prob)) 
      class(um) <- "MarginalCategoricalSpatial"
    else if (is(cat_prob, "RasterStack"))
      class(um) <- "MarginalCategoricalSpatial"
      class(um) <- "MarginalCategoricalDataFrame" 

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