
Defines functions sreg_srswr

Documented in sreg_srswr

#' Semiparametric Model-Assisted Estimation under a Simple Random Sampling Without Replace Sampling Design
#' \code{sreg_srswr} is used to estimate the total parameter of a finite population generated from a semi-parametric generalized gamma population under a simple random sampling without-replacement sampling design.
#' @param location_formula a symbolic description of the systematic component of the location model to be fitted.
#' @param scale_formula a symbolic description of the systematic component of the scale model to be fitted.
#' @param data a data frame, list containing the variables in the model.
#' @param fraction numeric, represents a fraction of the size of the population. Default value is 0.2.
#' @param format character, represents the type of summary of the methodology, 'SIMPLE' or 'COMPLETE'. Default value is 'COMPLETE'.
#' @param ... further parameters accepted by caret and survey functions.
#' @return \code{sampling_design} is the name of the sampling design used in the estimation process.
#' @return \code{N} is the population size.
#' @return \code{n} is the fixed sample size used in the estimation process.
#' @return \code{first_order_probabilities} vector of the first order probabilities used in the estimation process.
#' @return \code{sample} is the random sample used in the estimation process.
#' @return \code{estimated_total_y_sreg} is the SREG estimate of the total parameter of the finite population.
#' @references Cardozo C.A, Alonso C. (2021) Semi-parametric model assisted estimation in finite populations. In preparation.
#' @references Cardozo C.A.,  Paula G., and Vanegas L. (2022). Generalized log-gamma additive partial linear models with P-spline smoothing. Statistical Papers.
#' @references Sarndal C.E.,  Swensson B., and Wretman J. (2003). Model Assisted Survey Sampling. Springer-Verlag.
#' @author Carlos Alberto Cardozo Delgado <cardozorpackages@gmail.com>
#' @examples
#' library(sregsurvey)
#' library(survey)
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(gamlss)
#' data(api)
#' attach(apipop)
#' Apipop <- filter(apipop,full!= 'NA')
#' Apipop <- filter(Apipop, stype == 'H')
#' Apipop <- Apipop %>% dplyr::select(api00,grad.sch,full)
#' fit <- sreg_srswr(api00 ~  pb(grad.sch), scale_formula = ~ full - 1, data= Apipop, fraction=0.25)
#' # The total population value is
#' true_total <- sum(Apipop$api00)
#' # The estimated relative bias in percentage is
#' round(abs((fit$estimated_total_y_sreg - true_total)/true_total),3)*100
#' @importFrom gamlss gamlss gamlss.control
#' @importFrom gamlss.dist GG
#' @importFrom dplyr select filter
#' @importFrom TeachingSampling S.SI
#' @importFrom caret knnreg
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix predict
#' @importFrom methods missingArg
#' @export sreg_srswr
sreg_srswr = function(location_formula,scale_formula,data,fraction,format='COMPLETE',...){
  if (missingArg(location_formula))
    'The formula is missing!'
  if (missingArg(scale_formula))
    'The sigma.formula is missing!'
  if (missingArg(fraction))
  t_y_sreg <- numeric()
  N <- dim(data)[1]
  n <-  ceiling(fraction*N)
  index <- S.SI(N,n)
  sample <- data[index,]
  factors <- rep(1/fraction,n)
  sample <- data.frame(sample,factors)
  fit_sreg <- try(gamlss(location_formula, sigma.formula = scale_formula, family=GG(sigma.link="identity"), data=sample, weights = factors, control=gamlss.control(n.cyc = 100,trace = FALSE)),silent=TRUE)
  cond <- is.list(fit_sreg)
    sigma_est <- fit_sreg$sigma.coefficients
    lambda_est <-  fit_sreg$nu.coefficients*sigma_est
    X_train <- data.frame(model.matrix(fit_sreg,what='mu'),model.matrix(fit_sreg,what='sigma'))
    y_train <-  as.matrix(select(sample,as.character(location_formula)[2]))
    model_knn <- knnreg(X_train,y_train)
    X_pop <- select(data,-as.character(location_formula)[2])
      X_pop  <- data.frame(1,select(data,-as.character(location_formula)[2]))
      names(X_pop) <- names(X_train)
    eta_est <- predict(model_knn,X_pop)
    X_s <- select(data,colnames(model.matrix(fit_sreg, what='sigma')))
    sigma_est <- sigma_est*X_s
    if(abs(lambda_est) < 0.1)
      lambda_est <- 0.1
    mu_est <- (abs(lambda_est)^(2*sigma_est/lambda_est))*eta_est*(gamma((1/lambda_est^2) + (sigma_est/lambda_est)))/gamma(1/(lambda_est^2))
    cond2 <- fit_sreg$nu.coefficients*fit_sreg$sigma.coefficients
    t_y_sreg  <- sum(mu_est) + sum(factors*(select(sample,as.character(location_formula)[2]) - mu_est[index]))
      output <- list(sample=sample, estimated_total_y_sreg=t_y_sreg)
      class(output) <- "sregsurvey"
      output <- list(sampling_design="Simple Random Sampling without Replacement", N =N, n=n, first_order_probabilities=pi,  sample=sample, estimated_total_y_sreg=t_y_sreg)
      class(output) <- "sregsurvey"
       return('The regression fitting process was not sucessful. Try again!')

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sregsurvey documentation built on April 11, 2023, 6:06 p.m.