Man pages for ssMutPA
Single-Sample Mutation-Based Pathway Analysis

cox_datacox_data Univariate cox proportional hazards regression data.
dot_datadot_data A data frame.
dotplotPlotting the Dot plot.
FastSEAscoreCalculate the enrichment score of the pathways .
get_heatmapPlotting a heatmap with subtype labels.
get_indicateIndicator function.
get_mut_statusConverts MAF file or data in other formats into mutation...
get_RWR_ESCalculate the single-sample mutation-based pathway enrichment...
get_samp_classDetermining cancer subtypes using unsupervised spectral...
get_seeds_scoreCalculate the local wight of seed nodes.
get_univarCox_resultPerform the univariate Cox proportional hazards regression...
mountain_plotPlotting the density ridges plot.
MRWRA global propagation algorithm, random walk with restart...
mut_oncomut_onco A binary mutation matrix.
mut_statusmut_status A binary mutation matrix.
OncoplotDrawing a waterfall plot of a particular pathway.
Path_ESPath_ES Single-sample mutation-based pathway enrichment score...
RWR_resRWR_res Random walk results based on mutated genes in a...
sample_classsample_class The subtype labels of samples.
Seeds_ScoreSeeds_Score The local weight of seed nodes.
ssMutPA documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 1:06 a.m.