
Defines functions ssd_hp.fitdists .ssd_hp_fitdists .ssd_hp_tmbfit no_ssd_hp ssd_hp

Documented in ssd_hp ssd_hp.fitdists

#    Copyright 2021 Province of British Columbia
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
#       https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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#' Hazard Percent
#' Gets percent of species affected at specified concentration(s).
#' If `ci = TRUE` uses parameteric bootstrapping to get confidence intervals on the 
#' hazard percent(s).
#' @inheritParams params
#' @return A tibble of corresponding hazard percents.
#' @seealso [`ssd_hc()`]
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' fits <- ssd_fit_dists(ssddata::ccme_boron)
#' ssd_hp(fits, conc = 1)
ssd_hp <- function(x, ...) {

no_ssd_hp <- function() {
    dist = character(0),
    conc = numeric(0),
    est = numeric(0),
    se = numeric(0),
    lcl = numeric(0),
    ucl = numeric(0),
    wt = numeric(0),
    nboot = integer(0),
    pboot = numeric(0)

.ssd_hp_tmbfit <- function(x, conc, ci, level, nboot, min_pboot,
                           data, rescale, weighted, censoring,
                           min_pmix, range_shape1, range_shape2, parametric, control) {
  args <- estimates(x)
  args$q <- conc / rescale
  dist <- .dist_tmbfit(x)
  what <- paste0("ssd_p", dist)
  est <- do.call(what, args)
  if (!ci) {
    na <- rep(NA_real_, length(conc))
      dist = rep(dist, length(conc)), 
      conc = conc, 
      est = est * 100,
      se = na, 
      lcl = na, 
      ucl = na,
      wt = rep(1, length(conc)),
      nboot = rep(0L, length(conc)),
      pboot = na))
  censoring <- censoring / rescale
  fun <- safely(fit_tmb)
  estimates <- boot_estimates(x, fun = fun, nboot = nboot, data = data, 
                              weighted = weighted, censoring = censoring,
                              min_pmix = min_pmix,
                              range_shape1 = range_shape1,
                              range_shape2 = range_shape2,
                              parametric = parametric,
                              control = control)
  cis <- cis_estimates(estimates, what, level = level, x = conc / rescale)
  hp <- tibble(
    dist = dist,
    conc = conc, 
    est = est * 100,
    se = cis$se * 100, 
    lcl = cis$lcl * 100, 
    ucl = cis$ucl * 100,
    wt = rep(1, length(conc)),
    nboot = nboot, pboot = length(estimates) / nboot
  replace_min_pboot_na(hp, min_pboot)

.ssd_hp_fitdists <- function(x, conc, ci, level, nboot, min_pboot, control,
                             parametric, average) {
  if (!length(x) || !length(conc)) {
    control <- .control_fitdists(x)
  data <- .data_fitdists(x)
  rescale <- .rescale_fitdists(x)
  censoring <- .censoring_fitdists(x)
  min_pmix <- .min_pmix_fitdists(x)
  range_shape1 <- .range_shape1_fitdists(x)
  range_shape2 <- .range_shape2_fitdists(x)
  weighted <- .weighted_fitdists(x)
  unequal <- .unequal_fitdists(x)
  if(parametric && ci && identical(censoring, c(NA_real_, NA_real_))) {
    wrn("Parametric CIs cannot be calculated for inconsistently censored data.")
    ci <- FALSE
  if(ci && unequal) {
    wrn("Parametric CIs cannot be calculated for unequally weighted data.")
    ci <- FALSE
  if(!ci) nboot <- 0L
  seeds <- seed_streams(length(x))
  hp <- future_map(x, .ssd_hp_tmbfit,
                   conc = conc, ci = ci, level = level, nboot = nboot, 
                   min_pboot = min_pboot, data = data, 
                   rescale = rescale,  weighted = weighted, censoring = censoring,
                   min_pmix = min_pmix, range_shape1 = range_shape1, range_shape2 = range_shape2,
                   parametric = parametric,
                   control = control, .options = furrr::furrr_options(seed = seeds))
  weight <- glance(x)$weight
  if (!average) {
    hp <- mapply(function(x,y) {x$wt <- y; x}, x = hp, y = weight,
                 USE.NAMES = FALSE, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    hp <- bind_rows(hp)
    hp$method <- if(parametric) "parametric" else "non-parametric"
    hp <- hp[c("dist", "conc", "est", "se", "lcl", "ucl", "method", "nboot", "pboot")]
  hp <- lapply(hp, function(x) x[c("est", "se", "lcl", "ucl", "pboot")])
  hp <- lapply(hp, as.matrix)
  hp <- Reduce(function(x, y) {
    abind(x, y, along = 3)
  }, hp)
  suppressMessages(min <- apply(hp, c(1, 2), min))
  suppressMessages(hp <- apply(hp, c(1, 2), weighted.mean, w = weight))
  min <- as.data.frame(min)
  hp <- as_tibble(hp)
  hp$conc <- conc
  hp$dist <- "average"
  hp$wt <- 1
  hp$nboot <- nboot
  hp$pboot <- min$pboot
  hp$method <- if(parametric) "parametric" else "non-parametric"
  hp[c("dist", "conc", "est", "se", "lcl", "ucl", "wt", "method", "nboot", "pboot")]

#' @describeIn ssd_hp Hazard Percents for fitdists Object
#' @export
ssd_hp.fitdists <- function(x, conc, ci = FALSE, level = 0.95, nboot = 1000,
                            average = TRUE, delta = 7, min_pboot = 0.99,
                            parametric = TRUE,
                            control = NULL,
                            ...) {
  chk_null_or(control, vld = vld_list)
  x <- subset(x, delta = delta)
  hp <- .ssd_hp_fitdists(x, conc,
                   ci = ci, level = level, nboot = nboot, 
                   average = average, min_pboot = min_pboot,
                   parametric = parametric,
                   control = control)
  warn_min_pboot(hp, min_pboot)

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ssdtools documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:56 p.m.