aggregateRisks | Risk Aggregation Helper |
asset | Constructing an Asset with Direct Market Price |
assetForward | Constructing an Index-Forward |
cashflow | Constructing a Fixed-Income-Asset |
changeBaseCurrency | Change Covariance Matrix According to Change of Base Currency |
check | Object Checks |
check.asset | Checking Consistency of an Asset with Direct Market Price... |
check.assetForward | Checking Consistency of an Index-Forward with a MarketRisk |
check.cashflow | Checking Consistency of a Fixed-Income-Asset with a... | | Checking Consistency of a Delta-Normal Remainder Term with a... |
check.fxForward | Checking Consistency of a FX-Forward with a MarketRisk | | Checking Consistency of a Health Delta-Normal Term with a... |
check.liability | Checking Consistency of an Insurance Liability with a... | | Checking Consistency of a Life Delta-Normal Remainder Term... |
check.macroEconomicScenarios | Checking Macro Economic Scenarios |
check.nonLifeRisk | Checking Consistency of a nonLifeRisk with a MarketRisk |
check.participation | Checking Consistency of a Participation with a MarketRisk |
check.scenarioRisk | Checking Consistency of a ScenarioRisk with a MarketRisk |
check.standalone | Checking Consistency of a Standalone with a MarketRisk |
compute | Object Computations |
computeConstant | Compute The Normalizing Constant for a log-Normal Random... |
compute.healthRisk | Compute a HealthRisk |
compute.lifeRisk | Compute a LifeRisk |
compute.macroEconomicScenarios | Computing Macro Economic Scenarios |
compute.marketRisk | Compute a MarketRisk |
compute.nonLifeRisk | Compute a nonLifeRisk |
compute.participationRisk | Compute a participationRisk |
compute.scenarioRisk | Compute a ScenarioRisk |
compute.sstModel | Compute a sstModel |
conditionalReordering | Conditional Reordering |
containsHealth | Checks if the object contains a healthRisk. |
containsHealth.sstOutput | containsHealth Helper |
containsInsurance | Checks if the object contains a insuranceRisk. |
containsInsurance.sstOutput | containsInsurance Helper |
containsLife | Checks if the object contains a lifeRisk. |
containsLife.sstOutput | containsLife Helper |
containsMarket | Checks if the object contains a MarketRisk. |
containsMarket.sstOutput | containsMarket Helper |
containsNonLife | Checks if the object contains nonLifeRisk. |
containsNonLife.sstOutput | containsNonLife Helper |
containsParticipation | Checks if the object contains participation. |
containsParticipation.sstOutput | containsParticipation Helper |
containsScenario | Checks if the object contains scenario. |
containsScenario.sstOutput | containsScenario Helper |
creditRisk | Credit risk |
creditRisk.sstOutput | Get Credit Risk from sstOutput |
currency | Constructing a Currency (FX Exchange Rate Risk Factor) |
currencyIsIn | Currency in Object? |
currencyIsIn.standalone | Currency in Standalone? |
delta | Constructing a Delta-Normal Remainder Term with Respect to... |
equity | Constructing an Equity (Risk Factor) |
equityIsIn | Equity in Object? |
equityIsIn.standalone | Equity in Standalone? |
excelToSstModel | Parsing an Excel Template to sstModel |
expectedShortfall | Compute the Expected Shortfall |
format.asset | Formating an Asset with Direct Market Price |
format.assetForward | Formating an Index-Forward |
format.cashflow | Formating a Fixed-Income-Asset | | Formating a Delta-Normal Remainder Term |
format.fxForward | Formating an FX-Forward | | Formating a Health Delta-Normal Term |
format.healthRisk | Formating a HealhRisk |
format.liability | Formating an Insurance Liability | | Formating a Life Delta-Normal Remainder Term |
format.lifeRisk | Formating a LifeRisk |
format.marketRisk | Formating a marketRisk |
format.nonLifeRisk | Formating a nonLifeRisk |
format.participation | Formating a Participation |
format.participationRisk | Formating a ParticipationRisk |
format.portfolio | Formating a Portfolio |
format.scenarioRisk | Formating a ScenarioRisk |
format.sstModel | Formating a sstModel |
format.sstOutput | Formating a sstOutput |
format.standalone | Formating a standalone |
format.summary.portfolio | Formating a Summary of Portfolio |
format.summary.sstModel | Formating a Summary of sstModel |
format.summary.sstOutput | Formating a Summary of sstOutput |
fxForward | Constructing an FX-Forward |
generateError | Generate error message from an error log |
generateExpression | Generate an Expression |
generateExpression.portfolio | Generate the Market Valuation Expression for a Portfolio |
generateFunction | Generate a Function |
generateFunction.portfolio | Generate the Market Valuation Function for a Portfolio |
getCurrencyId | Get A Currency ID |
getCurrencyId.marketRisk | Get A Currency ID |
getCurrencyName | Get A Currency Name |
getCurrencyName.marketRisk | Get A Currency Name |
getCurrencyScale | Get A Currency Scale |
getCurrencyScale.marketRisk | Get A Currency Scale |
getDeltaId | Get A Delta ID |
getDeltaId.marketRisk | Get A Delta ID |
getDrbc | Get drbc |
getDrbc.sstOutput | Get drbc |
getEquityId | Get An Equity ID |
getEquityId.marketRisk | Get An Equity ID |
getEquityName | Get An Equity Name |
getEquityName.marketRisk | Get An Equity Name |
getEquityScale | Get An Equity Scale |
getEquityScale.marketRisk | Get An Equity Scale |
getHealthId | Get A Health Item ID |
getHealthQuantile | Get A Health Item Quantile |
getHealthRisk | Get Health Risk |
getHealthRisk.sstOutput | Get Health Insurance Risk |
getInitialFX | Get An Initial FX |
getInitialFX.marketRisk | Get An Initial FX |
getInitialRate | Get An Initial Rate |
getInitialRate.marketRisk | Get An Initial Rate |
getInitialSpread | Get An Initial Spread |
getInsuranceRisk | Get Insurance Risk |
getInsuranceRisk.sstOutput | Get Insurance Risk |
getLifeId | Get A Life Item ID |
getLifeId.lifeRisk | Get LifeRisk ID |
getLifeQuantile | Get A Life Item Quantile |
getLifeQuantile.lifeRisk | Get LifeRisk Quantiles |
getLifeRisk | Get Life Risk |
getLifeRisk.sstOutput | Get Life Insurance Risk |
getMappingTime | Get A Time Mapping |
getMappingTime.marketRisk | Get A Time Mapping |
getMarketParticipationRisk | Get Aggregated Market Risk and Participation |
getMarketParticipationRisk.sstOutput | Get Aggregated Market and Participation Risk |
getMarketRisk | Get Market Risk |
getMarketRisk.sstOutput | Get Market Risk |
getNonLifeRisk | Get nonLife Risk |
getNonLifeRisk.sstOutput | Get Non Life Insurance Risk |
getParticipation | Get Participation |
getParticipation.sstOutput | Get Participation |
getRateId | Get A Rate ID |
getRateId.marketRisk | Get A Rate ID |
getRateName | Get A Rate Name |
getRateName.marketRisk | Get A Rate Name |
getRateScale | Get A Rate Scale |
getRateScale.marketRisk | Get A Rate Scale |
getScenarioRisk | Get Scenario Risk |
getScenarioRisk.sstOutput | Get Scenario Risk |
getSpreadId | Get A Spread ID |
getSpreadId.marketRisk | Get A Spread ID |
getSpreadName | Get A Spread Name |
getSpreadName.marketRisk | Get A Spread Name |
getSpreadScale | Get A Spread Scale |
getSpreadScale.marketRisk | Get A Spread Scale |
health | Constructing a Health Delta-Normal Term with Respect to... |
healthRisk | Constructing a HealthRisk |
initialFX | Constructing initial FX Rates |
initialRate | Constructing Initial Interest Rates |
initialSpread | Compute Initial Spread |
intToGroups | Ordered Vector of Integers to List of consecutive integers |
is.asset | Assess Class Membership (asset S3 class) |
is.assetForward | Assess Class Membership (assetForward S3 class) |
is.cashflow | Assess Class Membership (cashflow S3 class) |
is.currency | Assess Class Membership (currency S3 class) | | Assess Class Membership (delta S3 class) |
is.equity | Assess Class Membership (equity S3 class) |
is.fxForward | Assess Class Membership (fxForward S3 class) | | Assess Class Membership (health S3 class) |
is.healthRisk | Assess Class Membership (healthRisk S3 class) |
is.insuranceItem | Assess Class Membership (insuranceItem S3 class) |
is.insuranceRisk | Assess Class Membership (insuranceRisk S3 class) |
is.item | Assess Class Membership (item S3 class) |
is.liability | Assess Class Membership (liability S3 class) | | Assess Class Membership (life S3 class) |
is.lifeRisk | Assess Class Membership (lifeRisk S3 class) |
is.macroEconomicScenarios | Assess Class Membership (macroEconomicScenarios S3 class) |
is.mappingTable | Assess Class Membership (mappingTable S3 class) |
is.marketItem | Assess Class Membership (marketItem S3 class) |
is.marketRisk | Assess Class Membership (marketRisk S3 class) |
is.nonLifeRisk | Assess Class Membership (nonLifeRisk S3 class) |
is.participation | Assess Class Membership (participation S3 class) |
is.participationRisk | Assess Class Membership (standalone S3 class) |
is.pcRate | Assess Class Membership (pcRate S3 class) |
is.portfolio | Assess Class Membership (portfolio S3 class) |
is.rate | Assess Class Membership (rate S3 class) |
is.risk | Assess Class Membership (risk S3 class) |
is.riskFactor | Assess Class Membership (riskFactor S3 class) |
is.scenarioRisk | Assess Class Membership (scenerioRisk S3 class) |
is.spread | Assess Class Membership (spread S3 class) |
is.sstModel | Assess Class Membership (sstModel S3 class) |
is.sstOutput | Assess Class Membership (sstOutput S3 class) |
is.standalone | Assess Class Membership (standalone S3 class) |
itemListToExpression | Item List to Valuation Expression Helper |
itemListToFunction | Item List to Valuation Function Helper |
keywordToTable | Extract a table from the excel template |
keywordToTransposedTable | Extract a table from the excel template |
keywordToValue | Extract a value from the excel template |
launchDashboard | Launching The Dashboard In A Browser |
liability | Constructing an Insurance Liability |
life | Constructing a Life Delta-Normal Remainder Term with Respect... |
lifeRisk | Constructing a LifeRisk |
logNormalExpression | Log-Normal Expression Helper |
macroEconomicScenarios | Constructing Macro Economic Scenarios |
mappingTable | Constructing a Mapping Table |
mappingTime | Constructing Time Mappings |
marketRisk | Constructing a MarketRisk |
marketValueMargin | Compute the Market Value Margin (MVM) |
marketValueMargin.sstOutput | Compute the Market Value Margin (MVM) |
mvmLife | MVM life computation |
na.rm | Remove Missing Values |
newtonRaphson | Find roots using Newton-Raphson algorithm |
nonLifeRisk | Constructing a nonLifeRisk |
participation | Constructing a Participation |
participationRisk | Constructing a participationRisk |
pcRate | Constructing a Principal Component Rate (Risk Factor) |
portfolio | Constructing a SST Portfolio |
print.asset | Printing an Asset with Direct Market Price |
print.assetForward | Printing an Index-Forward |
print.cashflow | Printing a Fixed-Income-Asset | | Printing a Delta-Normal Remainder Term |
print.fxForward | Printing an FX-Forward | | Printing a Health Delta-Normal Term |
print.healthRisk | Printing a HealthRisk |
print.liability | Printing an Insurance Liability | | Printing a Life Delta-Normal Remainder Term |
print.lifeRisk | Printing a LifeRisk |
print.marketRisk | Printing a marketRisk |
print.nonLifeRisk | Printing a nonLifeRisk |
print.participation | Printing a Participation |
print.participationRisk | Printing a participationRisk |
print.portfolio | Printing a Portfolio |
print.scenarioRisk | Printing a ScenarioRisk |
print.sstModel | Printing a sstModel |
print.sstOutput | Printing a sstOutput |
print.standalone | Printing a standalone |
print.summary.portfolio | Printing a Summary of Portfolio |
print.summary.sstModel | Printing a Summary of sstModel |
print.summary.sstOutput | Printing a Summary of sstOutput |
rate | Constructing a Rate (Risk Factor) |
rateIsIn | Rate in Object? |
rateIsIn.standalone | Rate in standalone? |
removePerfectCorr | Remove Perfectly Correlated Variables |
riskCapital | Compute the Risk Capital |
riskCapital.sstOutput | Compute the Risk Capital (RC) |
riskFactorToExpression | RiskFactor To Expression Helper |
scenarioRisk | Constructing a scenarioRisk |
simulate.healthRisk | Simulate from a HealthRisk |
simulate.lifeRisk | Simulate from a LifeRisk |
simulate.marketRisk | Simulate from a MarketRisk |
simulate.nonLifeRisk | Simulate from a nonLifeRisk |
simulate.participationRisk | Simulate from a participationRisk |
simulate.scenarioRisk | Simulate from a ScenarioRisk |
splitComma | Split Characters |
spread | Constructing a Spread (Risk Factor) |
spreadIsIn | Spread in Object? |
spreadIsIn.standalone | Spread in Standalone? |
sstModel | Constructing an sstModel |
sstModel_check | Run checks of the packages libraries to check for potential... |
sstModel_news | Display sstModel R-package News File |
sstModel-package | Implementation of the Swiss Solvency Test (SST) Standard... |
sstRatio | Compute the Swiss Solvency Test (SST) Ratio |
sstRatio.sstOutput | Compute the Swiss Solvency Test (SST) Ratio |
standalone | Constructing a Standalone Market Risk |
standaloneExpectedShortfall | Compute expected shortfall for standalone risk by reference |
standaloneExpectedShortfall.sstOutput | Compute expected shortfall for standalone risk by reference |
summary.asset | Summarizing an Asset with Direct Market Price |
summary.assetForward | Summarizing an Index-Forward |
summary.cashflow | Summarizing a Fixed-Income-Asset | | Summarizing a Delta-Normal Remainder Term |
summary.fxForward | Summarizing an FX-Forward | | Summarizing a Health Delta-Normal Term |
summary.healthRisk | Summarizing a HealthRisk |
summary.liability | Summarizing an Insurance Liability | | Summarizing a Life Delta-Normal Remainder Term |
summary.lifeRisk | Summarizing a LifeRisk |
summary.marketRisk | Summarizing a marketRisk |
summary.nonLifeRisk | Summarizing a nonLifeRisk |
summary.participation | Summarizing a Participation |
summary.participationRisk | Summarizing a participationRisk |
summary.portfolio | Summarizing a Portfolio |
summary.scenarioRisk | Summarizing a ScenarioRisk |
summary.sstModel | Summarizing an sstModel |
summary.sstOutput | Summarizing a sstOutput |
summary.standalone | Summarizing a standalone |
tableToAssetForward | Parsing a table to a list of assetForward |
tableToAssets | Parsing a table to a list of asset |
tableToCashflow | Parsing a table to a list of cashflow |
tableToFxForward | Parsing a table to a list of fxForward |
tableToLiability | Parsing a table to a list of liability |
targetCapital | Target Capital |
targetCapital.sstOutput | Compute the Target Capital (TC) |
translate | translate |
translate.sstOutput | Translation of Fields of sstOutput |
valExpression | Valuation Expression |
valExpression.asset | Building the Valuation Expression for Asset with Direct... |
valExpression.assetForward | Building the Valuation Expression for an Index-Forward |
valExpression.cashflow | Building the Valuation Expression for a Fixed-Income-Asset | | Building the Valuation Expression for a Market Delta-Normal... |
valExpression.fxForward | Building the Valuation Expression for a FX-Forward Position | | Building the Valuation Expression for a Health Item |
valExpression.liability | Building the Valuation Expression for an Insurance Liability | | Building the Valuation Expression for a Life Item |
valFunction | Valuation Function |
valFunction.asset | Building the Valuation Function for Asset with Direct Market... |
valFunction.assetForward | Building the Valuation Function for an Index-Forward |
valFunction.cashflow | Building the Valuation Function for a Fixed-Income-Asset | | Building the Valuation Function for a Market Delta-Normal... |
valFunction.fxForward | Building the Valuation Function for a FX-Forward |
valFunction.liability | Building the Valuation Function for an Insurance Liability... |
valInfo | Providing Valuation Information |
valInfo.asset | Providing Valuation Information for Asset with Direct Market... |
valInfo.assetForward | Providing Information for Index-Forward Valuation from a... |
valInfo.cashflow | Providing Information for Fixed-Income-Asset Valuation from a... | | Providing Information for Market Delta-Normal Remainder Term... |
valInfo.fxForward | Providing Information for FX-Forward Valuation from a... | | Providing Information for Health Item Valuation from a... |
valInfo.liability | Providing Information for Insurance Liability Valuation from... | | Providing Information for Life Item Valuation from a... |
valueAtRisk | Compute the Value-at-Risk |
volaToExpectedShortfall | Transform normal volatility in expected shortfall |
write.sstOutput | Writing a sstOutput into a fundamental data sheet |
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