
yu = list(
  scoreFun = function(features, F.all, sim.mat, ...) {
    measureScoreHelper(features = features,
      measureFun = function(F1, F2) {
        n1 = length(F1)
        n2 = length(F2)
        l = (n1 + n2) / 2
        if (l == 0) {

        indices.1not2 = which(F.all %in% setdiff(F1, F2))
        indices.2not1 = which(F.all %in% setdiff(F2, F1))

        o12 = 0
        o21 = 0

        if (length(indices.1not2) > 0 && length(indices.2not1) > 0) {
          sim.part = sim.mat[indices.1not2, indices.2not1, drop = FALSE]
          if (length(sim.part@i) > 0) {
            o12 = length(unique(sim.part@i))
            o21 = length(unique(sim.part@j))

        o = (o12 + o21) / 2
        k = length(intersect(F1, F2))

        score = k + o
  maxValueFun = function(features, ...) {
    measureScoreHelper(features = features,
      measureFun = function(F1, F2) (length(F1) + length(F2)) / 2

zucknick = list(
  scoreFun = function(features, F.all, sim.mat, threshold, sim.feats, ...) {
    measureScoreHelper(features = features,
      measureFun = function(F1, F2) {
        lu = length(union(F1, F2))
        if (lu == 0) {

        indices.1 = which(F.all %in% F1)
        indices.2 = which(F.all %in% F2)

        indices.1not2 = which(F.all %in% setdiff(F1, F2))
        indices.2not1 = which(F.all %in% setdiff(F2, F1))

        add.sim1 = 0
        if (length(indices.2not1) > 0) {
          sim.part = sim.mat[indices.2not1, indices.1, drop = FALSE]
          add.sim1 = sum(sim.part) / length(indices.2)

        add.sim2 = 0
        if (length(indices.1not2) > 0) {
          sim.part = sim.mat[indices.1not2, indices.2, drop = FALSE]
          add.sim2 = sum(sim.part) / length(indices.1)

        res = length(intersect(F1, F2)) + add.sim1 + add.sim2
        res = res / lu
  maxValueFun = function(features, ...) {
    measureScoreHelper(features = features,
      measureFun = function(F1, F2) {

sechidis = list(
  scoreFun = function(features, sim.mat, F.all, ...) {
    ns = lengths(features)
    ns.mean = mean(ns)
    p = ncol(sim.mat)
    if (ns.mean == 0 || ns.mean == p) {

    n = length(features)
    Z = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = p)
    for (i in seq_along(features)) {
      Z[i, ] = as.numeric(F.all %in% features[[i]])
    S = cov(Z)

    k.bar = mean(rowSums(Z))
    k2.bar = mean(rowSums(Z)^2)
    diag.element = k.bar/p * (1  - k.bar/p)
    off.diag.element = (k2.bar - k.bar) / (p^2 - p) - k.bar^2 / p^2
    Sigma0 = matrix(off.diag.element, nrow = p, ncol = p)
    diag(Sigma0) = diag.element

    num = sum(diag(sim.mat %*% S))
    denom = sum(diag(sim.mat %*% Sigma0))

    if (denom == 0) {
    } else {
      score = 1 - num / denom
  maxValueFun = function(features, ...) {

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