PMXStanFit: Generation of a 'PMXStanFit' object

View source: R/PMXStanFit.R

PMXStanFitR Documentation

Generation of a PMXStanFit object


Reads in data, runs a compiled Stan executable, generates posterior samples for model parameters, check convergence, and perform model diagnosis.


PMXStanFit(model, dat, ...)



a PMXStanModel object that needs to have a Stan executable (already compiled from the model-specific Stan code) ready for sampling.


a named list that provides the input data for the Stan model and other information such as individual ID's and relevant covariates (specified by users). Usually generated by prepareInputData or modified from the output of the same function.


any other arguments that are passed to the function sampling, such as chains, number of chains to run(default is 4); iter, number of iterations (default is 2000); and thin, the period for saving samples (default is 1); etc.


Intuitively, a PMXStanFit object can be uniquely realized by a PMXStanModel object that has been compiled successfully, an input list of data that has been prepared compatible to the model object, and a group of arguments passed to Stan to run sampling.

In addition to serving as an interface to generate samples with Stan, PMXStanFit also provides an interface for users to perform a variety of post-processing procedures by inquiring these samples, making predictions, and comparing with observations. Basic functions are available to investigate sampling behavior and check convergence, return diagnostic statistics for a fitted Bayesian model, and generate goodness-of-fit plots commonly used for PK/PD models, both for the overall population and for subgroups by covariates.

Since all samples from all chains are conveniently accessible, users can also easily boost the capability of a PMXStanFit object by writing their own diagnostic/goodness-of-fit/visual predictive checks functions.


A PMXStanFit object, with the following list of methods:

returns the output derived from fitting a Stan model, including the samples; the same output as defined by stanfit-class.

prints out statistics of posterior samples, with the following arguments:

on.screen: a logical variable that controls whether or not to print results on screen. Default is TRUE.

save.mode: a logical variable that controls whether or not to export results to a text file. Default is TRUE.

...: any other arguments that are passed to the more generic function print.stanfit from rstan, such as digits_summary, number of significant digits for printing out the summary; pars, parameters in which the summaries are interest; probs, quantiles of interest for summary statistics; etc.

This function has a generic form as well (see Examples).


returns path of the folder that stores all post-processing results, such as printed statistics for samples and goodness-of-fit plots.


returns diagnostic statistics for a fitted Bayesian model: Watanabe-Akaike information criterion (WAIC) and Leave-on-out cross-validation (LOO-CV). The argument complete allows to select whether to input all pointwise and total statistics (TRUE) or only total statistics (FALSE, by default). For more details, see References. This function has a generic form as well (see Examples).


plots traces and posterior distributions corresponding to one or more Markov chains, therefore to investigate sampling behavior and to assess mixing across chains and convergence. The argument pars specifies names of parameters whose traces will be plotted. When it is not specified, the function by default plots all the theta's (model parameters), sigma_eta's (variance of the inter-individual random effects), and sigma (variance of the intra-individual random effects) in the auto-generated Stan code. This function has a generic form as well (see Examples). For a similar implementation, see traceplot.


plots medians of predictions vs. observations for goodness-of-fit assessment, with the following arguments:

by.cov: a string to specify the covariate name under investigation. If left as NULL by default, the plot will be generated based on the overall population from all individuals in the input data. To make sure that the specified covariate name be properly recognized, please also specify it in the argument covar when calling prepareInputData.

type: a string to specify the type of the parameter, can be "categorical" (abbreviated as "cat") or "continuous" (abbreviated as "con"). This argument is ignored (automatically set to NULL) if by.cov is not provided by user.

cutoff: a number or vector of numbers to specify the cut-off points by which the subgroups based on a continuous covariate are defined. If a parameter name is specified in by.cov and the type is specified as "continuous" in type, the default cut-off (when not provided by user) is set as the median of the corresponding parameter across the population. This argument is ignored for a categorical covariate, where the subgroups will be automatically determined by all available distinct values of the covariate.

filename: a string to specify the path to store the plots. If not provided by user, the plots will be output to screen automatically.

Noted that a good fit usually results in a group of points clustered around the line of x=y representing alignment between observations and predictions. This function has a generic form as well (see Examples).


plots residuals, calculated as the difference between medians of predictions and observations, vs. predictions as one way of goodness-of-fit assessment, with the same arguments as plot.gof.pred.rsd() above. A good fit usually results in a group of points clustered around the horizontal line of y=0, without obvious trend of deviation. This function has a generic form as well (see Examples).


plots time profiles of the prediction medians and 95 profile of observations. This function has a generic form as well (see Examples).


Yuan Xiong and Wenping Wang


The Stan Development Team. Stan Modeling Language User's Guide and Reference Manual.

Aki Vehtari and Andrew Gelman. WAIC and cross-validation in Stan.

Sumio Watanabe. Asymptotic Equivalence of Bayes Cross Validation and Widely Applicable Information Criterion in Singular Learning Theory.

See Also

PMXStanModel for initialization and compilation of a PMXStanModel object; prepareInputData for transformation of a NONMEM-readable dataset to a list compatiable to auto-generated model-specific Stan code; sampling for usage of arguments to draw samples from a compiled Stan model.


## Not run: 
### A population PK model
m1 <- PMXStanModel(path = tempfile("pk_m1"), pk.struct = "1-cmpt", compile=TRUE)

dat <- prepareInputData(data.source = d1_nm_poppk, 
                        model = m1,
                        covar = c("AGE","GENDER")
fit <- PMXStanFit(m1, dat, iter=100, chains=1)
print(fit, on.screen=F)
save(m1, dat, fit, file = file.path(tempfile("pk_m1"),"ModelFit.RData"))


obs.vs.pred(fit, by.cov = "AGE", type = "continuous", 
            cutoff = c(50, 60), filename = "obs_pred_by_age.pdf"
obs.vs.pred(fit, by.cov = "GENDER", type = "categorical", 
            filename = "obs_pred_by_gender.pdf"
rsd.vs.pred(fit, by.cov = "AGE", type = "continuous", 
            cutoff = c(50, 60), filename = "rsd_pred_by_age.pdf"
rsd.vs.pred(fit, by.cov = "GENDER", type = "categorical", 
            filename = "rsd_pred_by_gender.pdf"

### A population PKPD model
ode <- "
  C2 = centr/V;
  d/dt(depot) =-ka*depot;
  d/dt(centr) = ka*depot - ke*centr;
  d/dt(eff) = (1+Emax*C2/(C2+EC50))*Kin - Kout*eff;

## End(Not run)

stanette documentation built on May 11, 2022, 5:11 p.m.