Defines functions plot.VLSTAR

Documented in plot.VLSTAR

#' Plot methods for a VLSTAR object
#' Plot method for objects with class attribute \code{VLSTAR}.
#' When the \code{plot} function is applied to a \code{VLSTAR} object, the values of the logistic function, given the estimated values of gamma and c through \code{VLSTAR}, are reported.
#' @param adj.mtext Adjustment for \code{mtext()}.
#' @param col.fit Character vector, colors for diagram of fit.
#' @param col.logi Character vector, colors for logistic function plot.
#' @param col.mtext Character, color for \code{mtext()}, only applicable.
#' @param col.resid Character vector, colors for residual plot.
#' @param lag.acf Integer, lag.max for ACF of residuals.
#' @param lag.pacf Integer, lag.max for PACF of residuals.
#' @param lty.fit Vector, lty for diagram of fit.
#' @param lty.resid Vector, lty for residual plot.
#' @param lty.logi Vector, lty for the plot of the logistic function.
#' @param lwd.fit Vector, lwd for diagram of fit.
#' @param lwd.logi Vector, lwd for the plot of the logistic function.
#' @param lwd.resid Vector, lwd for residual plot.
#' @param main Character vector, the titles of the plot.
#' @param main.acf Character vector, main for residuals' ACF.
#' @param main.fit Character vector, main for diagram of fit.
#' @param main.pacf Character vector, main for residuals' PACF.
#' @param main.logi Character vector, main for the plot of the logistic function.
#' @param mar Setting of margins.
#' @param names Character vector, the variables names to be plotted. If left \code{NULL}, all variables are plotted.
#' @param oma Setting of outer margins.
#' @param padj.mtext Adjustment for \code{mtext()}.
#' @param x An object of class \sQuote{\code{VLSTAR}}.
#' @param xlab Character vector signifying the labels for the x-axis.
#' @param xlab.fit Character vector, xlab for diagram of fit.
#' @param xlab.resid Character vector, xlab for residual plot.
#' @param xlab.logi Character vector, xlab for the plot of the logistic function.
#' @param ylab Character vector signifying the labels for the y-axis.
#' @param ylab.acf Character, ylab for ACF.
#' @param ylab.fit Character vector, ylab for diagram of fit.
#' @param ylab.pacf Character, ylab for PACF
#' @param ylab.resid Character vector, ylab for residual plot.
#' @param ylab.logi Character vector, ylab for the plot of the logistic function.
#' @param ylim Vector, the limits of the y-axis.
#' @param ylim.fit Vector, ylim for diagram of fit.
#' @param ylim.resid Vector, ylim for residual plot.
#' @param \dots Passed to internal plot function.
#' @importFrom stats fitted resid plot.ts quantile na.omit rnorm sd pacf pt qf qt symnum
#' @importFrom graphics abline axis box layout lcm lines mtext par plot points
#' @return Plot of VLSTAR fitted values, residuals, ACF, PACF and logistic function
#' @export
#' @keywords VLSTAR
#' @author Andrea Bucci
#' @seealso \code{\link{VLSTAR}}

plot.VLSTAR <- function(x, names = NULL, main.fit = NULL, main.acf = NULL, main.pacf = NULL,
                        main.logi = NULL, ylim.fit = NULL, ylim.resid = NULL, lty.fit = NULL, lty.resid = NULL,
                        lty.logi = NULL, lwd.fit = NULL, lwd.resid = NULL, lwd.logi = NULL, lag.acf = NULL, lag.pacf = NULL,
                        col.fit = NULL, col.resid = NULL, col.logi = NULL,  ylab.fit = NULL, ylab.resid = NULL, ylab.acf = NULL,
                        ylab.pacf = NULL, ylab.logi = NULL, xlab.fit = NULL, xlab.resid = NULL, xlab.logi = NULL, mar = par("mar"),
                        oma = par("oma"), adj.mtext = NA, padj.mtext = NA, col.mtext = NA,...){
  op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  object <- x
  resids <- resid(object)
  fitted <- fitted(object)
  y <- object$Data[[1]]
  ynames <- colnames(y)
  dates <- as.Date(index(object$st), "%m/%d/%Y")
  colnames(fitted) <- ynames
  colnames(resids) <- ynames
  if (is.null(names)) {
    names <- ynames
  } else {
    names <- as.character(names)
    if (!(all(names %in% ynames))) {
      warning("\nInvalid variable name(s) supplied, using first variable.\n")
      names <- ynames[1]

  nv <- length(names)
  if(x$singlecgamma == TRUE){
    ny <- 1
    ny <- ncol(object$yoriginal)
  logistic <- matrix(ncol = ny, nrow = length(object$st))
  for(j in 1:ncol(logistic)){
      for (i in 1:nrow(logistic)){
   logistic[i,j] <- (1+exp(-object$Gammac[j,1]*(object$st[i]-object$Gammac[j,2])))^-1
  logistic <- apply(logistic, 2, sort, decreasing = F)
  if(x$singlecgamma == FALSE){
    colnames(logistic) <- ynames
  ifelse(is.null(main.fit), main.fit <- paste("Diagram of fit and residuals for", names), main.fit <- rep(main.fit, nv)[1:nv])
  ifelse(is.null(main.acf), main.acf <- rep("ACF Residuals", nv), main.acf <- rep(main.acf, nv)[1:nv])
  ifelse(is.null(main.pacf), main.pacf <- rep("PACF Residuals", nv), main.pacf <- rep(main.pacf, nv)[1:nv])
  ifelse(is.null(main.logi), main.logi <-  paste("Logistic function for", names), main.logi <- rep(main.logi, nv)[1:nv])
  ifelse(is.null(lty.fit), lty.fit <- c(1, 2), lty.fit <- rep(lty.fit, 2)[1:2])
  ifelse(is.null(lty.resid), lty.resid <- c(1, 1), lty.resid <- rep(lty.resid, 2)[1:2])
  ifelse(is.null(lty.logi), lty.logi <- c(1, 1), lty.logi  <- rep(lty.logi, 2)[1:2])
  ifelse(is.null(lwd.fit), lwd.fit <- c(1, 1), lwd.fit <- rep(lwd.fit, 2)[1:2])
  ifelse(is.null(lwd.resid), lwd.resid <- c(1, 1), lwd.resid <- rep(lwd.resid, 2)[1:2])
  ifelse(is.null(lwd.logi), lwd.logi <- c(1, 1), lwd.logi <- rep(lwd.logi, 2)[1:2])
  ifelse(is.null(lag.acf), lag.acf <- 12, lag.acf <- lag.acf)
  ifelse(is.null(lag.pacf), lag.pacf <- 12, lag.pacf <- lag.pacf)
  ifelse(is.null(col.fit), col.fit <- c("black", "blue"), col.fit <- rep(col.fit, 2)[1:2])
  ifelse(is.null(col.resid), col.resid <- c("black", "red"), col.resid <- rep(col.resid, 2)[1:2])
  ifelse(is.null(col.logi), col.logi <- c("black", "red"), col.logi <- rep(col.logi, 2)[1:2])
  ifelse(is.null(ylab.fit), ylab.fit <- rep("", nv), ylab.fit <- rep(ylab.fit, nv)[1:nv])
  ifelse(is.null(ylab.resid), ylab.resid <- rep("", nv), ylab.resid <- rep(ylab.resid, nv)[1:nv])
  ifelse(is.null(ylab.acf), ylab.acf <- rep("", nv), ylab.acf <- rep(ylab.acf, nv)[1:nv])
  ifelse(is.null(ylab.pacf), ylab.pacf <- rep("", nv), ylab.pacf <- rep(ylab.pacf, nv)[1:nv])
  ifelse(is.null(ylab.logi), ylab.logi <- rep("", nv), ylab.logi <- rep(ylab.logi, nv)[1:nv])
  ifelse(is.null(xlab.fit), xlab.fit <- rep("", nv), xlab.fit <- rep(xlab.fit, nv)[1:nv])
  ifelse(is.null(xlab.resid), xlab.resid <- rep("", nv), xlab.resid <- rep(xlab.resid, nv)[1:nv])
  ifelse(is.null(xlab.logi), xlab.logi <- rep("", nv), xlab.logi <- rep(xlab.logi, nv)[1:nv])

  plotest <- function(y, fitted, resids, logistic, main.fit, main.acf, main.pacf, main.logi, ylab.fit, ylab.resid, ylab.logi,
                      ylab.acf, ylab.pacf, xlab.fit, xlab.resid, xlab.logi, adj.mtext, padj.mtext, col.mtext, ...){
    ifelse(is.null(ylim.fit), ylim.fit <- c(min(c(y, fitted)), max(c(y, fitted))), ylim.fit <- ylim.fit)
    ifelse(is.null(ylim.resid), ylim.resid <- c(min(resids), max(resids)), ylim.resid <- ylim.resid)
    layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5), nrow = 4, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), heights = c(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5))
    par(oma = c(0,2,1.2,0.5), mar = c(2.5, 0, 0, 0),lheight=.1)
    plot.ts(y, main = "", ylim = ylim.fit, ylab = ylab.fit, xlab = xlab.fit, lty = lty.fit[1], lwd = lwd.fit[1], col = col.fit[1], axes = FALSE)
    lines(fitted, col = col.fit[2], lty = lty.fit[2], lwd = lwd.fit[2])
    axis(2, pretty(c(y, fitted))[-1])
    mtext(main.fit, side = 3, line = 0.2, cex = 0.75, adj = adj.mtext, padj = padj.mtext, col = col.mtext, ...)
    plot.ts(resids, main = "",  ylim = ylim.resid, ylab = ylab.resid, xlab = xlab.resid, lty = lty.resid[1], lwd = lwd.resid[1], col = col.resid[1])
    axis(1,at=NULL, labels=F)
    abline(h = 0, col = col.resid[2], lty = lty.resid[2], lwd = lwd.resid[2])
    par(mar=c(2, 1, 4, 1.1))
    acf(resids, main = main.acf, ylab = ylab.acf, lag.max = lag.acf, cex.main = 0.75, ...)
    pacf(resids, main = main.pacf, ylab = ylab.pacf, lag.max = lag.pacf, cex.main = 0.75, ...)
    par(mar = c(3, 2.1, 2, 1.1))
    plot(1:length(logistic),logistic, main = main.logi, ylim = c(0,1), ylab = ylab.logi, xlab = xlab.logi, lty = lty.logi[1], lwd = lwd.logi[1], col = col.logi[1], axes = T)
  #par(mar = mar, oma = oma)
  for (i in 1:nv) {
    if(x$singlecgamma == TRUE){
      plotest(y = y[, names[i]], fitted = fitted[, names[i]], resids = resids[, names[i]], logistic = logistic, main.fit = main.fit[i], main.acf = main.acf[i], main.pacf = main.pacf[i], main.logi = main.logi[i], ylab.fit = ylab.fit[i], ylab.resid = ylab.resid[i], ylab.acf = ylab.acf[i], ylab.pacf = ylab.pacf[i], ylab.logi = ylab.logi[i], xlab.fit = xlab.fit[i], xlab.resid = xlab.resid[i], xlab.logi = xlab.logi[i], adj.mtext = adj.mtext, padj.mtext = padj.mtext, col.mtext = col.mtext)
      plotest(y = y[, names[i]], fitted = fitted[, names[i]], resids = resids[, names[i]], logistic = logistic[, names[i]], main.fit = main.fit[i], main.acf = main.acf[i], main.pacf = main.pacf[i], main.logi = main.logi[i], ylab.fit = ylab.fit[i], ylab.resid = ylab.resid[i], ylab.acf = ylab.acf[i], ylab.pacf = ylab.pacf[i], ylab.logi = ylab.logi[i], xlab.fit = xlab.fit[i], xlab.resid = xlab.resid[i], xlab.logi = xlab.logi[i], adj.mtext = adj.mtext, padj.mtext = padj.mtext, col.mtext = col.mtext)
    if (nv > 1) par(ask = TRUE)

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