sp_get_table: Get a statnipokladna table

sp_get_tableR Documentation

Get a statnipokladna table


Cleans and loads a table. If needed, a dataset containing the table is downloaded.


  month = 12,
  ico = NULL,
  redownload = FALSE,
  dest_dir = NULL



A table ID. See id column in sp_tables for a list of available tables


year, numeric, 2015-2019 for some datasets, 2010-2020 for others. Can be a vector of length > 1 (see Details for how to work with data across time periods.).


month, numeric. Must be 3, 6, 9 or 12. Can be a vector of length > 1 (see details).


ID(s) of org to return, character of length one or more. If unset, returns all orgs. ID not checked for correctness/existence. See https://monitor.statnipokladna.cz/datovy-katalog/prohlizec-ciselniku/ucjed to look up ID of any org in the dataset.


Redownload even if recent file present? Defaults to FALSE.


character. Directory in which downloaded files will be stored. If left unset, will use the statnipokladna.dest_dir option if the option is set, and tempdir() otherwise. Will be created if it does not exist.


The data is loaded from files downloaded automatically by sp_get_dataset(); files persist in a temporary directory per session.

How data for different time periods is exported differs by dataset. This has significant implications for how you get to usable full-year numbers or time series in different tables. See vignette("statnipokladna") for details on this.

Data is processed in the following way:

  • all columns are given names that are human-readable and facilitato add codelists

  • ICO (org. IDs) are normalised as in some datasets they are padded with leading zeros

  • a vykaz_date, vykaz_year and vykaz_month columns are created to identify the time period

  • value columns are transformed into numeric

  • other columns are left as character to avoid losing information

Correspondence between input and output columns

Shared/multiple tables

Original Output English Czech Note
ZC_VTAB vtab table number tabulka -
ZC_UCJED ucjed accounting unit účetní jednotka NB: ucjed != ico; the two codes are different; ICO is universal, ucjed is specific to SP, and both denote an organisation.
ZC_VYKAZ vykaz report number výkaz -
ZFUNDS_CT finmisto accounting centre finanční místo either kapitola or "organizační složka státu" (core state org)
ZC_ICO ico org ID IČO see ucjed
ZC_FUND zdroj funding source zdroj -
ZC_KRAJ kraj region kraj -
ZC_NUTS nuts NUTS code NUTS kód -
ZC_LAU okres NUTS code of LAU1 unit LAU1 kód -

Tables ⁠budget-*⁠

Original Output English Czech Note
ZCMMT_ITM polozka item/line položka (druhové členění) NB: polozka != polvyk
0FM_AREA kapitola chapter kapitola -
0CI_TYPE polozka_type item/line type typ položky -
FUNC0AREA paragraf sector line paragraf (odvětvové členění) -
ZC_PVS pvs programme code programové výdaje státu post-2014
ZC_EDS eds subsidy and proprty evidence Evidenční dotační systém / správa majetku ve vlastnictví státu post-2014, No codelist - perhaps external via https://www.edssmvs.cz/DocumentsList.aspx?Agenda=CEIS
ZC_UCRIS ucris purpose Účel post-2014, no codelist found
0FUNC_AREA paragraf sector line paragraf (odvětvové členění) -
ZU_ROZSCH budget_adopted budget as originally adopted schválený rozpočet -
ZU_ROZPZM budget_amended budget as amended throughout the year rozpočet po změnách -
ZU_KROZP budget_final final budget konečný rozpočet -
ZU_OBLIG budget_oblig ? obligo -
ZU_ROZKZ budget_spending actual spending skutečnost -

Table budget-indicators

| Original | Output | English | Czech | Note | | ZC_PSUK | psuk | budgetary indicator | Závazný a průřezový indikátor | Use psuk codelist |

**Table budget-central-old-subsidies **

| Original | Output | English | Czech | Note | | ZC_ZREUZ | ucelznak | Purpose identifier | Účelový znak | - |

**Table budget-central-old-purpose-grants **

| Original | Output | English | Czech | Note | | 0PU_MEASURE | rozprog | Budgetary programme | Rozpočtový program | - |

Tables ⁠balance-sheet*⁠

Original Output English Czech Note
ZC_POLVYK polvyk item/line položka výkazu -
ZC_SYNUC synuc synthetic account syntetický účet -
ZU_MONET previous_net net, previous period netto minulé období -
ZU_AOBTTO current_gross gross, current period brutto běžné období -
ZU_AONET current_net net, current period netto běžné období -
ZU_AOKORR current_correction correction, current period korekce běžné období -

Tables ⁠profit-and-loss-*⁠

Original Output English Czech Note
ZU_HLCIN previous_core core activity, previous period hlavní činnost, minulé období -
ZU_HOSCIN previous_economic economic activity, previous period hospodářská činnost, minulé období -
ZU_HLCIBO current_core core activity, current period hlavní činnost, běžné období -
ZU_HCINBO current_economic economic activity, current period hospodářská činnost, běžné období -

Table ⁠changes-in-equity⁠

Original Output English Czech Note
ZU_STAVP before previous period stav minulé období -
ZU_STAVPO after current period stav běžné období -
ZU_ZVYS increase increase zvýšení stavu -
ZU_SNIZ decrease decrease snížení stavu -

Table cash-flow

Original Output English Czech Note
ZU_BEZUO current current period běžné účetní období -


a tibble; see Details for key to the columns

See Also

Other Core workflow: add_codelist(), get_codelist(), sp_add_codelist(), sp_get_codelist(), sp_get_dataset()


## Not run: 
allorgs_2018 <- sp_get_table("budget-central", 2018)
allorgs_mid2018 <- sp_get_table("budget-central", 2018, 6)
oneorg_multiyear <- sp_get_table("budget-central", 2017:2018, 12, ico = "00064581")
oneorg_multihalfyears <- sp_get_table("budget-central", 2017:2018, c(6, 12), ico = "00064581")

## End(Not run)

statnipokladna documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:08 p.m.