
Defines functions db_lselect

Documented in db_lselect

#' Lazily select variables from multiple tables in a relational database
#' @description \code{db_lselect()} allows you to select variables from multiple
#'  tables in an SQL database. It returns a lazy query that combines all the
#'  variables together into one data frame (as a \code{tibble}). The user can
#'  choose to run \code{collect()} after this query if they see fit.
#' @details This is a wrapper function in which \pkg{purrr} and \pkg{dplyr}
#' are doing the heavy lifting. The tables in the database are declared as a
#' character (or character vector). The variables to select are also declared
#' as a character (or character vector), which are then wrapped in a
#' \code{one_of()} function within \code{select()} in \pkg{dplyr}.
#' @param .data a character vector of the tables in a relational database
#' @param connection the name of the connection object
#' @param vars the variables (entered as class "character") to select from the tables in the database
#' @return Assuming a particular structure to the database, the function returns a
#'  combined table including all the requested variables from all the tables listed
#'  in the \code{data} character vector. The returned table will have other attributes
#'  inherited from how \pkg{dplyr} interfaces with SQL, allowing the user to extract
#'  some information about the query (e.g. through \code{show_query()}).
#' @references Miller, Steven V. 2020. "Clever Uses of Relational (SQL) Databases to Store Your Wider Data (with Some Assistance from \code{dplyr} and \code{purrr})" \url{http://svmiller.com/blog/2020/11/smarter-ways-to-store-your-wide-data-with-sql-magic-purrr/}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(DBI)
#' library(RSQLite)
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(dbplyr)
#' set.seed(8675309)
#' A <- data.frame(uid = c(1:10),
#'                 a = rnorm(10),
#'                 b = sample(letters, 10),
#'                 c = rbinom(10, 1, .5))
#' B <- data.frame(uid = c(11:20),
#'                 a = rnorm(10),
#'                 b = sample(letters, 10),
#'                 c = rbinom(10, 1, .5))
#' C <- data.frame(uid = c(21:30), a = rnorm(10),
#'                 b = sample(letters, 10),
#'                 c = rbinom(10, 1, .5),
#'                 d = rnorm(10))
#' con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), ":memory:")
#' copy_to(con, A, "A",
#'         temporary=FALSE)
#' copy_to(con, B, "B",
#'         temporary=FALSE)
#' copy_to(con, C, "C",
#'         temporary=FALSE)
#' # This returns no warning because columns "a" and "b" are in all tables
#' c("A", "B", "C") %>% db_lselect(con, c("uid", "a", "b"))
#' # This returns two warnings because column "d" is not in 2 of 3 tables.
#' # ^ this is by design. It'll inform the user about data availability.
#' c("A", "B", "C") %>% db_lselect(con, c("uid", "a", "b", "d"))
#' dbDisconnect(con)
#' }

db_lselect <- function(.data, connection, vars) {
  return(.data %>%
             tbl(connection, .x) %>%

           }) %>%
           reduce(function(x, y) union(x, y)))

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