beamer: Steve's Beamer Template

View source: R/beamer.R

beamerR Documentation

Steve's Beamer Template


This is the R Markdown template I use for in-class or in-person presentations. For a discussion of some of its features, see here:






Arguments to rmarkdown::beamer_presentation.


Note that xelatex is not required for this template but is heavily suggested. If you elect to use xelatex, you must supply something in ⁠titlefont:⁠ and ⁠mainfont:⁠ that your particular LaTeX installation will recognize. See discussion here:

About YAML header fields

title Title of the presentation
subtitle Subtitle of the presentation. Optional, but useful. For in-class lectures, I put the class name here.
institute List your department/college here. Optional.
titlegraphic Put a path to university watermark here. Optional.
scaletg Scale titlegraphic relative to the width of the document. Optional, defaults to .3
titlegraphshift Optional LaTeX commands to move around titlegraphic. Manually escape any LaTeX code you put here. Use with care.
make149 Logical, gives 14:9 dimension to presentation (my favorite). Optional, defaults to FALSE.
mainfont The main font to use with xelatex. I use ⁠Open Sans⁠ here. Optional, but recommended.
titlefont The font for slide titles. I use ⁠Titillium Web⁠ here. Optional, but recommended.
primarycolor Specifies a "primary" color in six-digit RGB color. Defaults to ⁠002F5F⁠. Optional.
secondarycolor Specifies a "secondary" color in six-digit RGB color. Defaults to ⁠9BB2CE⁠. Optional.
no_toc_after When TRUE, disables table of contents at end of document. Optional.

stevetemplates documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:09 a.m.