cv: Steve's Academic CV Template

View source: R/cv.R

cvR Documentation

Steve's Academic CV Template


A template for academic CVs. For more information, see here:






Arguments to rmarkdown::pdf_document.

About YAML header fields

This section documents some of the YAML fields to know for this template.

author name of the author
jobtitle appears as first row in the CV
address appears as second row in the CV
fontawesome logical, defaults to TRUE. If TRUE, use fontawesome icons
email your email, for the third row
github optional, displays Github user name on third row
orcid optional, displays ORCID ID on third row
phone optional, displays your phone number on third row
web optional, displays your domain name on third row
updated optional, displays (on third row) when file was last updated
keywords not terribly useful, but some keywords to embed in PDF so Google may find it

stevetemplates documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:09 a.m.