
# ==============================================================================
# STOICHCALC - R-Routines for Solving Stoichiometric Equations
# ==============================================================================
# Example given in the appendix of the paper cited below              22.02.2010
# ======================================================
# Literature: Peter Reichert and Nele Schuwirth
#             A generic framework for deriving process stoichiometry
#             in environmental models
#             submitted to Environmental Modelling and Software
# ==============================================================================

# load library functions:
# -----------------------


# define list of composition vectors:
# -----------------------------------

subst.comp <-
  list(NH4  = c(H      = 4*1/14,  # gH/gNH4-N
                N      = 1,       # gN/gNH4-N
                charge = 1/14),   # chu/gNH4-N
       NO3  = c(O      = 3*16/14, # gO/gNO3-N
                N      = 1,       # gN/gNO3-N
                charge = -1/14),  # chu/gNO3-N
       HPO4 = c(O      = 4*16/31, # gO/gHPO4-P
                H      = 1*1/31,  # gH/gHPO4-P
                P      = 1,       # gP/gHPO4-P
                charge = -2/31),  # chu/gHPO4-P
       HCO3 = c(C      = 1,       # gC/gHCO3-C
                O      = 3*16/12, # gO/gHCO3-C
                H      = 1*1/12,  # gH/gHCO3-C
                charge = -1/12),  # chu/gHCO3-C
       O2   = c(O      = 1),      # gO/gO2-O
       H    = c(H      = 1,       # gH/molH
                charge = 1),      # chu/molH
       H2O  = c(O      = 1*12,    # gO/molH2O
                H      = 2*1),    # gH/molH2O
       ALG  = c(N      = 0.06,    # gN/gALG
                P      = 0.005,   # gP/gALG
                O      = 0.50,    # gO/gALG
                H      = 0.07,    # gH/gALG
                C      = 0.365),  # gC/gALG
       ZOO  = c(N      = 0.06,    # gN/gZOO
                P      = 0.01,    # gP/gZOO
                O      = 0.50,    # gO/gZOO
                H      = 0.07,    # gH/gZOO
                C      = 0.36),   # gC/gZOO
       POM  = c(N      = 0.04,    # gN/gPOM
                P      = 0.007,   # gP/gPOM
                O      = 0.40,    # gO/gPOM
                H      = 0.07,    # gH/gPOM
                C      = 0.483),  # gC/gPOM
       DOM  = c(N      = 0.04,    # gN/gDOM
                P      = 0.007,   # gP/gDOM
                O      = 0.40,    # gO/gDOM
                H      = 0.07,    # gH/gDOM
                C      = 0.483))  # gC/gDOM

Y.ZOO <- 0.2; f.POM <- 0.2; f.DOM <- 0.1

# compile composition matrix:
# ---------------------------

alpha <- calc.comp.matrix(subst.comp)

# growth of phytoplankton:
# ------------------------

subst.gro.ALG.NO3 <- c("NO3","HPO4","HCO3",

basis.gro.ALG.NO3 <-

nu.gro.ALG.NO3    <-
  calc.stoich.coef(alpha       = alpha,
                   name        = "gro.ALG.NO3",
                   subst       = subst.gro.ALG.NO3,
                   subst.norm  = "ALG",
                   nu.norm     = 1)

# growth of zooplankton:
# ----------------------

subst.gro.ZOO <- c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H",

basis.gro.ZOO <-

const.gro.ZOO <- list(c("ZOO" = 1,"ALG" = Y.ZOO),
                      c("POM" = 1,"ALG" = f.POM),
                      c("DOM" = 1,"ALG" = f.DOM))

nu.gro.ZOO    <-
  calc.stoich.coef(alpha       = alpha,
                   name        = "gro.ZOO",
                   subst       = subst.gro.ZOO,
                   subst.norm  = "ZOO",
                   nu.norm     = 1,
                   constraints = const.gro.ZOO)

# compile stoichiometric matrix:
# ------------------------------

nu <- rbind(nu.gro.ALG.NO3,


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