
Defines functions R.bounds

Documented in R.bounds

R.bounds <- function(p, R, pad = 0.001){
  R.replace <- R
  max.R <- R 
  min.R <- R
  nodes <- length(p)
  for(i in 1:(nodes-1)){
    for(j in (i+1):nodes){
      max.R[i,j] <- max_r(p[i],p[j])
      max.R[j,i] <- max_r(p[i],p[j])
  for(i in 1:(nodes-1)){
    for(j in (i+1):nodes){
      min.R[i,j] <- min_r(p[i],p[j])
      min.R[j,i] <- min_r(p[i],p[j])
  for(i in 1:(nodes-1)){
    for(j in (i+1):nodes){
      R.replace[i,j] <- ifelse(R[i,j] >= max.R[i,j], max.R[i,j]-pad, R[i,j])
      R.replace[i,j] <- ifelse(R[i,j] <= min.R[i,j], min.R[i,j]+pad, R.replace[i,j])
      R.replace[j,i] <- ifelse(R[i,j] >= max.R[j,i], max.R[j,i]-pad, R[j,i])
      R.replace[j,i] <- ifelse(R[i,j] <= min.R[j,i], min.R[j,i]+pad, R.replace[j,i])

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streamDAG documentation built on Oct. 7, 2023, 1:08 a.m.