sumFREGAT-package: sumFREGAT: Fast REGional Association Tests on summary...

sumFREGAT-packageR Documentation

sumFREGAT: Fast REGional Association Tests on summary statistics


The sumFREGAT package computes the most popular and efficient tests for the region-based association analysis using summary statistics data (beta and P values) and correlations between genetic variants. It does not require genotype or phenotype data. Methods implemented are SKAT and SKAT-O (sequence kernel association tests), BT (burden test), ACAT (aggregated Cauchy association test), FLM (functional linear model), PCA (principal components analysis), and others.


Package: sumFREGAT
Type: Package
License: GPLv3


Nadezhda Belonogova <>
Gulnara Svishcheva <>

The authors are grateful to Dr. Anatoly Kirichenko for technical support
and Prof. Tatiana Axenovich for scientific guidance.

sumFREGAT documentation built on June 7, 2022, 9:06 a.m.