
Defines functions frm_fixed_vars frm_random_vars frm_vars frm_random_terms frm_fixed_terms frm_interaction_terms frm_terms frm_outcome frm_remove_var frm_remove_term frm_expand frm_build frm_string

Documented in frm_build frm_expand frm_fixed_terms frm_fixed_vars frm_interaction_terms frm_outcome frm_random_terms frm_random_vars frm_remove_term frm_remove_var frm_string frm_terms frm_vars

#' Get the string representation of the formula.
#' @param frm The formula (or something that can be coerced to a formula).
#' @return A character string of the formula.
#' @keywords internal
frm_string <- function(frm) {

#' Build a formula from terms
#' @param lhs The outcome term for the left-hand side.
#' @param rhs The terms for the right-hand side.
#' @param env The environment to assign to the formula (defaults to calling environment).
#' @return The right-hand side terms are joined with `+`. Then, the right-hand side is joined
#'   to the left and returned as a [formula].
#' @rdname formula_building
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso formula_extraction formula_expansion
frm_build <- function(lhs, rhs, env = parent.frame()) {
  rhs <- if (length(rhs) == 0) "NULL" else rhs
  string <- paste(lhs, "~", paste(rhs, collapse = "+"))
  as.formula(string, env = env)

#' Expand a formula
#' @param frm A formula that may have compact terms like `a * b`.
#' @return The expanded formula where terms like `a * b` are expanded to `a + b + a:b`.
#' @rdname formula_expansion
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso formula_building formula_extraction
frm_expand <- function(frm) {
  frm_build(frm_outcome(frm), frm_terms(frm), environment(frm))

#' Remove a term or variable from the right-hand side of a formula
#' @param frm The formula to modify.
#' @param term,var The term or variable to drop.
#' @return The formula with the term removed.
#' @rdname frm_remove
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso formula_building formula_expansion formula_extraction
frm_remove_term <- function(frm, term) {
  rhs <- setdiff(frm_terms(frm), term)
  if (length(rhs) < 1) {
    rhs <- "NULL"
  frm_build(frm_outcome(frm), rhs, environment(frm))

#' @rdname frm_remove
#' @keywords internal
frm_remove_var <- function(frm, var) {
  frm <- as.formula(frm)

  # find terms that var is in
  factors <- attr(terms(frm), "factors")
  if (var %in% rownames(factors)) {
    var_in_term <- factors[var, ] > 0
    to_remove <- colnames(factors)[var_in_term]
  } else {

  # construct new formula
  remaining_terms <- setdiff(frm_terms(frm), to_remove)
  frm_build(frm_outcome(frm), remaining_terms, environment(frm))

#' Extracting from formulae
#' These tools extracting parts from formulae. The only function that extracts from the left-hand
#' side is `frm_outcome`. The rest only extract from the right-hand side. The word `term` is used to
#' denote functions that extract full terms from the formula, whereas `var` denotes functions that
#' extract the variables the formula uses. For example, the formula `y ~ a * b + (1 | group)` has
#' terms `a`, `b`, `a:b`, and `1 | group`. The same formula has variables `a`, `b`, and `group`.
#' These tools are ONLY tested against models and formulae that are explicitly supported. See the
#' README and test cases for more information.
#' @param frm The formula to extract values from
#' @return The function name and parameters should be descriptive enough (see Description above).
#'   The extracted parts are always strings.
#' @rdname formula_extraction
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso formula_building formula_expansion
frm_outcome <- function(frm) {
  frm <- as.formula(frm)

#' @rdname formula_extraction
#' @keywords internal
frm_terms <- function(frm) {
  frm <- as.formula(frm)

#' @rdname formula_extraction
#' @keywords internal
frm_interaction_terms <- function(frm) {
  frm <- as.formula(frm)
  factors <- attr(stats::terms(frm), "factors")
  multi_var_terms <- colSums(factors) > 1

#' @rdname formula_extraction
#' @keywords internal
frm_fixed_terms <- function(frm) {
  frm <- as.formula(frm)
  setdiff(frm_terms(frm), frm_random_terms(frm))

#' @rdname formula_extraction
#' @keywords internal
frm_random_terms <- function(frm) {
  frm <- as.formula(frm)

  # there MIGHT be a random term, or it could just be a weird variable name like `a|b`
  # only require lme4 if there is a possibility of a random term
  possible_bars <- stringr::str_detect(frm_terms(frm), stringr::fixed("|"))
  random_terms <- if (any(possible_bars)) lme4::findbars(frm) else list()

  purrr::map_chr(random_terms, rlang::expr_deparse)

#' @rdname formula_extraction
#' @keywords internal
frm_vars <- function(frm) {
  frm <- as.formula(frm)

#' @rdname formula_extraction
#' @keywords internal
frm_random_vars <- function(frm) {
  frm <- as.formula(frm)

  # there MIGHT be a random term, or it could just be a weird variable name like `a|b`
  # only require lme4 if there is a possibility of a random term
  possible_bars <- stringr::str_detect(frm_terms(frm), stringr::fixed("|"))
  random_terms <- if (any(possible_bars)) lme4::findbars(frm) else list()

  terms <- purrr::map(random_terms, all.vars)
  terms <- purrr::flatten_chr(terms)

#' @rdname formula_extraction
#' @keywords internal
frm_fixed_vars <- function(frm) {
  frm <- as.formula(frm)

  # there MIGHT be a random term, or it could just be a weird variable name like `a|b`
  # only require lme4 if there is a possibility of a random term
  possible_bars <- stringr::str_detect(frm_terms(frm), stringr::fixed("|"))
  frm <- if (any(possible_bars)) lme4::nobars(frm) else frm


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