
Defines functions HighestRankAndRestrictedSpearman

################################################################### Overall and Restrcited Spearman's Rho
HighestRankAndRestrictedSpearman = function(bivarSurf, tauX = Inf, 
    tauY = Inf) {
    ######## computes 1) Overall Spearmans correlation using highest rank
    ######## approach 2) Restricted Spearmans correlation 'bivarSurf' is a
    ######## matrix representing a bivariate surface fit with the following
    ######## format: 1) the 1st row is the marginal survival function for Y
    ######## 2) the 1nd column is the marginal survival function for X 3)
    ######## bivarSurf[1,1] equals to 1 4) row names of 'bivarSurf' are
    ######## ordered X values including 0 5) column names of 'bivarSurf' are
    ######## ordered Y values including 0 Note: the covariance (the
    ######## numerator of the correlation) of the highest rank estimator can
    ######## be also computed using formula: Numerator = \sum_i \sum_j
    ######## S(x_i,y_i)S_X(dx_i)S_Y(dy_i) - S(x_i,dy_i)S_X(dx_i)S_Y(y_i) -
    ######## S(dx_i,y_i)S_X(x_i)S_Y(dy_i) + S(dx_i,dy_i)S_X(x_i)S_Y(y_i) The
    ######## above is equivalent to the highest rank estimator Numerator =
    ######## \sum _{i^*}\sum _{j^*} \left\{1 - \widehat{S}^H_X(x_{i^*})
    ######## - \widehat{S}^H_X(x_{i^*}^-) \right\} \left\{1 -
    ######## \widehat{S}^H_Y(y_{j^*}) - \widehat{S}^H_Y(y_{j^*}^-)
    ######## \right\} \widehat{S}^H(dx_{i^*}, dy_{j^*})
    ######## By setting the survival proability to zero outside of the data
    ######## support we effectively assume a left-over probability mass
    ######## which is what highest rank estimator is doing This ensures that
    ######## the above two estimators are the same
    oldrownames = rownames(bivarSurf)
    oldcolnames = colnames(bivarSurf)
    bivarSurfnew = bivarSurf
    bivarSurfnew = cbind(bivarSurfnew, rep(0, nrow(bivarSurfnew)))
    bivarSurfnew = rbind(bivarSurfnew, rep(0, ncol(bivarSurfnew)))
    rownames(bivarSurfnew) = c(oldrownames, "Inf")
    colnames(bivarSurfnew) = c(oldcolnames, "Inf")
    bivarSurf = bivarSurfnew
    ######## End of the part that ensures that the above two estimators are
    ######## the same
    ######## Whether we corrected restr. cor or not.
    correctedRestrCor = FALSE
    Xs = as.numeric(rownames(bivarSurf))
    Ys = as.numeric(colnames(bivarSurf))
    rP1 = rP2 = c(NA, NA)
    ######## Identify the resticted region for X:
    maxX = max(Xs[Xs < tauX])
    maxY = max(Ys[Ys < tauY])
    if ((tauX <= Inf) & (sum(Xs < tauX) <= nrow(bivarSurf))) {
        rowsInRegion = Xs <= maxX
        rX1 = 1:(sum(rowsInRegion) - 1)
    } else {
        rX1 = 1:(nrow(bivarSurf) - 2)
    rP1[1] = rX1[length(rX1)] + 1
    rP2[1] = rP1[1] + 1
    rX2 = rX1 + 1
    ######## Identify the resticted region for Y:
    if ((tauY <= Inf) & (sum(Ys < tauY) <= ncol(bivarSurf))) {
        colsInRegion = Ys <= maxY
        rY1 = 1:(sum(colsInRegion) - 1)
    } else {
        rY1 = 1:(ncol(bivarSurf) - 2)
    rP1[2] = rY1[length(rY1)] + 1
    rP2[2] = rP1[2] + 1
    rY2 = rY1 + 1
    nX = nrow(bivarSurf) - 1
    nY = ncol(bivarSurf) - 1
    rangeX = 1 + (1:nX)
    rangeY = 1 + (1:nY)
    unitVecX = matrix(1, ncol = nX)
    unitVecY = matrix(1, ncol = nY)
    Sx = matrix(as.numeric(bivarSurf[(1:nX) + 1, 1]), nrow = nX) %*% 
    Sy = t(matrix(as.numeric(bivarSurf[1, (1:nY) + 1]), nrow = nY) %*% 
    SxM = matrix(as.numeric(bivarSurf[1:nX, 1]), nrow = nX) %*% unitVecY
    SyM = t(matrix(as.numeric(bivarSurf[1, 1:nY]), nrow = nY) %*% 
    Sdx = SxM - Sx
    Sdy = SyM - Sy
    SxMyM = rbind(rep(NA, nY + 1), cbind(rep(NA, nX), bivarSurf[1:nX, 
    SxM_y = rbind(rep(NA, nY + 1), bivarSurf[1:nX, ])
    Sx_yM = cbind(rep(NA, nX + 1), bivarSurf[, 1:nY])
    Sdx_y = SxM_y - bivarSurf
    Sx_dy = Sx_yM - bivarSurf
    Sdx_yM = SxMyM - Sx_yM
    SxM_dy = SxMyM - SxM_y
    Sdxdy = SxM_dy - Sx_dy
    ### my favorite estimator
    numerator = sum(SxMyM[rangeX, rangeY] * Sdx * Sdy - SxM_dy[rangeX, 
        rangeY] * Sdx * SyM - Sdx_yM[rangeX, rangeY] * SxM * Sdy + 
        Sdxdy[rangeX, rangeY] * SxM * SyM)
    ### Highest rank estimator, which is equivalent to my favorite
    ### estimator when compu
    numerator0 = sum((2 * SxM - Sdx - 1) * (2 * SyM - Sdy - 1) * 
        Sdxdy[rangeX, rangeY], na.rm = TRUE)
    Sx_Stuff_Tail = c(Sx[, 1], 0)
    SxM_Stuff_Tail = c(1, Sx[, 1])
    Sdx_Stuff_Tail = SxM_Stuff_Tail - Sx_Stuff_Tail
    Sy_Stuff_Tail = c(Sy[1, ], 0)
    SyM_Stuff_Tail = c(1, Sy[1, ])
    Sdy_Stuff_Tail = SyM_Stuff_Tail - Sy_Stuff_Tail
    PSR_X_like = (1 - Sx_Stuff_Tail - SxM_Stuff_Tail)
    PSR_Y_like = (1 - Sy_Stuff_Tail - SyM_Stuff_Tail)
    PSR_X_mean = sum(PSR_X_like * Sdx_Stuff_Tail)
    PSR_Y_mean = sum(PSR_Y_like * Sdy_Stuff_Tail)
    PSR_X_var = sum(Sdx_Stuff_Tail * (PSR_X_like - PSR_X_mean)^2)
    PSR_Y_var = sum(Sdy_Stuff_Tail * (PSR_Y_like - PSR_Y_mean)^2)
    rhoConst = 1/sqrt(PSR_X_var * PSR_Y_var)
    ####### Compute overall rho
    localRhoRhoConst = rhoConst * numerator
    prsLikeNoTails = rhoConst * numerator0
    ####### Restricted Estimator
    ProbOmegaRMatr = 1 - Sx[rX1, rY1] - Sy[rX1, rY1] + bivarSurf[rX2, 
    if (length(rX1) == 1 | length(rY1) == 1) {
        ProbOmegaRMatr = matrix(ProbOmegaRMatr, nrow = length(rX1), 
            ncol = length(rY1))
        ProbOmegaR = ProbOmegaRMatr[nrow(ProbOmegaRMatr), ncol(ProbOmegaRMatr)]
    } else {
        ProbOmegaR = ProbOmegaRMatr[nrow(ProbOmegaRMatr), ncol(ProbOmegaRMatr)]
    SX_tauXM = Sx[rX1[length(rX1)], 1]
    SY_tauYM = Sy[1, rY1[length(rY1)]]
    ####### Compute S(x, tauY-), S(x-, tauY-), S(tauX-, y), S(tauX-, y)
    S_x_TauYM = matrix(bivarSurf[rX2, rY2[length(rY2)]], nrow = length(rX2), 
        ncol = length(rY2))
    S_xM_TauYM = matrix(SxM_y[rX2, rY2[length(rY2)]], nrow = length(rX2), 
        ncol = length(rY2))
    S_TauXM_y = matrix(bivarSurf[rX2[length(rX2)], rY2], nrow = length(rX2), 
        ncol = length(rY2), byrow = TRUE)
    S_TauXM_yM = matrix(Sx_yM[rX2[length(rX2)], rY2], nrow = length(rX2), 
        ncol = length(rY2), byrow = TRUE)
    g_X_No_OmegaR = (2 - Sx[rX1, rY1] - SxM[rX1, rY1] - 2 * SY_tauYM + 
        S_x_TauYM + S_xM_TauYM - ProbOmegaR)
    g_Y_No_OmegaR = (2 - Sy[rX1, rY1] - SyM[rX1, rY1] - 2 * SX_tauXM + 
        S_TauXM_y + S_TauXM_yM - ProbOmegaR)
    ####### Compute SX(dx|OmegaR), SY(dy|OmegaR) for covariance According
    ####### to our paper, it is: SX(dx) - S(dx, tauYM)
    SX_dx_No_OmR = (Sdx[rX1, 1] - (S_xM_TauYM[, 1] - S_x_TauYM[, 
    SY_dy_No_OmR = (Sdy[1, rY1] - (S_TauXM_yM[1, ] - S_TauXM_y[1, 
    SX_dx_OmR = SX_dx_No_OmR/ProbOmegaR
    SY_dy_OmR = SY_dy_No_OmR/ProbOmegaR
    ####### Compute SX(dx|OmegaR), SY(dy|OmegaR) for rho (the normalizing
    ####### const) take care of negative variance
    SX_dx_No_OmR_const = pmax(SX_dx_No_OmR, 0)
    SY_dy_No_OmR_const = pmax(SY_dy_No_OmR, 0)
    SX_dx_No_OmR_const = ProbOmegaR * SX_dx_No_OmR_const/sum(SX_dx_No_OmR_const)
    SY_dy_No_OmR_const = ProbOmegaR * SY_dy_No_OmR_const/sum(SY_dy_No_OmR_const)
    ####### Compute terms related to variance
    var_g_X_No_OmR = sum(((g_X_No_OmegaR[, 1] - sum(g_X_No_OmegaR[, 
        1] * SX_dx_No_OmR)/ProbOmegaR)^2) * SX_dx_No_OmR)
    var_g_Y_No_OmR = sum(((g_Y_No_OmegaR[1, ] - sum(g_Y_No_OmegaR[1, 
        ] * SY_dy_No_OmR)/ProbOmegaR)^2) * SY_dy_No_OmR)
    ####### If the probability of being in the region is negative -> the
    ####### restricted correlation is not defined
    if (ProbOmegaR <= 0) {
        #cat("Restricted Spearman's correlation is not defined because the probability of being in the restricted region is less or equal to zero. See Section 3.1 of the method paper.\n")
        #warning("Restricted Spearman's correlation is not defined because the probability of being in the restricted region is less or equal to zero. See Section 3.1 of the method paper.")
        warning("Restricted region Spearman's correlation is not defined.")
        rhoX0Y0_restr_No_OmR = NA
    } else {
        if (var_g_X_No_OmR < 0 | var_g_Y_No_OmR < 0) {
            correctedRestrCor = TRUE
            #cat("Restricted Spearman's correlation was corrected.\n")
            #warning("Restricted Spearman's correlation was corrected (see Section 3.1 of the method paper).")
        if (var_g_X_No_OmR <= 0) {
            var_g_X_No_OmR = sum(((g_X_No_OmegaR[, 1] - sum(g_X_No_OmegaR[, 
                1] * SX_dx_No_OmR_const)/ProbOmegaR)^2) * SX_dx_No_OmR_const)
        if (var_g_Y_No_OmR <= 0) {
            var_g_Y_No_OmR = sum(((g_Y_No_OmegaR[1, ] - sum(g_Y_No_OmegaR[1, 
                ] * SY_dy_No_OmR_const)/ProbOmegaR)^2) * SY_dy_No_OmR_const)
        ####### Compute the constant for restricted correlation:
        inv_rhoCons_cond_form_No_OmR = sqrt(var_g_X_No_OmR * var_g_Y_No_OmR)
        ####### Compute restricted correlation:
        rhoX0Y0_restr_No_OmR = sum(g_X_No_OmegaR * g_Y_No_OmegaR * 
            Sdxdy[rX2, rY2], na.rm = TRUE)/inv_rhoCons_cond_form_No_OmR
        if(abs(rhoX0Y0_restr_No_OmR) == Inf){
            warning("Restricted region Spearman's correlation is not defined.")
            rhoX0Y0_restr_No_OmR = NA
        #  if(correctedRestrCor){
        #    #cat("Restricted Spearman's correlation was corrected.\n")
        #    warning("Restricted region Spearman's correlation was corrected.")
        #  }
    # res = matrix(c(localRhoRhoConst, prsLikeNoTails,
    # rhoX0Y0_restr_No_OmR), ncol = 1) rownames(res) =
    # c('HighestRank', 'HighestRankNoTails', 'Restricted')
    res = matrix(c(prsLikeNoTails, rhoX0Y0_restr_No_OmR), ncol = 1)
    rownames(res) = c("HighestRank", "Restricted")
    colnames(res) = "Spearman's Correlation"
    # ####### Make sure that all values are in the proper range
    # for (n_i in rownames(res)) {
    #     res[n_i, ] = min(abs(res[n_i, ]), 1) * sign(res[n_i, ])
    # }

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