Man pages for survidm
Inference and Prediction in an Illness-Death Model

autoplot.survIDMVisualization of objects of class 'survIDM' with ggplot2...
BeranEstimation of the conditional distribution function of the...
bladderIDMBladder Cancer Recurrences.
CIFNonparametric estimation of the Cumulative Incident Functions...
colonIDMChemotherapy for Stage B/C colon cancer.
coxidmFit proportional hazards regression model in each transition...
KMKaplan-Meier product-limit estimate of survival
KMWKaplan-Meier weights
LLWLocal linear weights
markov.testThis function is used to test the markov assumption in the...
neventsCount number of observed transitions.
NWWNadaraya-Watson weights.
PKMPresmoothed Kaplan-Meier product-limit estimate of survival
PKMWPresmoothed Kaplan-Meier weights
plot.survIDMPlot for an object of class "survIDM".
sojournNonparametric estimation of the Sojourn time distributions in...
summary.cmmSummarizing fits of 'cmm' class
summary.survIDMSummarizing fits of 'survIDM' class
survIDMCreate a survIDM object
survidm-packagesurvidm: Inference and Prediction in an Illness-Death Model
tprobNonparametric estimation of transition probabilities in the...
survidm documentation built on June 25, 2021, 1:07 a.m.