tatoo: tatoo: Combine and Export Data Frames

tatooR Documentation

tatoo: Combine and Export Data Frames


Functions to combine data.frames in ways that require additional effort in base R, and to add metadata (id, title, ...) that can be used for printing and xlsx export. The 'Tatoo_report' class is provided as a convenient helper to write several such tables to a workbook, one table per worksheet. Tatoo is built on top of 'openxlsx', but intimate knowledge of that package is not required to use tatoo.


  • tag_table(): add captioning (title, footer, ...) to a table

  • comp_table(): like cbind() or merge(), but retain multi-column headings

  • mash_table(): combine data.frames so that their rows or columns alternate. Mash tables are stored as lists that can be converted to data.tables, or you can use rmash() and cmash() to create data.frames directly.

  • stack_table(): create a list of tables that can be exported to xlsx, all tables on the same worksheet on top of each others

  • compile_report(): create a list of tables that can be exported to xlsx, one table per worksheet (a Stacked_table also counts as one table)

  • as_workbook() / save_xlsx(): To export any of the objects described above to excel workbooks.


Maintainer: Stefan Fleck stefan.b.fleck@gmail.com

See Also

Useful links:

tatoo documentation built on March 31, 2023, 8:16 p.m.