walk_regions: Apply a function to all named regions on an openxlsx Workbook

View source: R/walk_regions.R

walk_regionsR Documentation

Apply a function to all named regions on an openxlsx Workbook


This applies a .fun to all named regions in a workbook names match .pattern. This is especially useful since as_workbook() methods for Tatoo_tables add named regions for certain parts of the Table. See also vignette("named_regions") for how the names of named regions are constructed by tatoo.


walk_regions(.wb, .pattern = ".*", .fun, ...)

map_regions(.wb, .pattern = ".*", .fun, ...)



an openxlsx Workbook Object


character scalar. A regex filter pattern for named region names (passed on to grep())


A function with the formal arguments wb, sheet and either rows, cols, or both. For example: openxlsx::addStyle(), openxlsx::addFilter(), openxlsx::setRowHeights(), openxlsx::setColWidths()


passed on to .fun


walk_regions returns .wb. map_regions returns a modified copy of .wb


x <- iris
title(iris) <- "Iris example table"
wb <- as_workbook(iris)

regions(wb)  # display regions

# Apply a style
# Keep in mind that openxlsx functions modify worksheets by reference.
# If you do not want this behaviour you can use map_regions instead.

style <- openxlsx::createStyle(textDecoration = "bold")
  .pattern = "colnames.*",
  .fun = openxlsx::addStyle,
  style = style

## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

tatoo documentation built on March 31, 2023, 8:16 p.m.