Man pages for taxa
Classes for Storing and Manipulating Taxonomic Data

as_data_frameConvert a taxa object to a 'data.frame'
as_taxonConvert to a taxon vector
check_taxon_rank_orderCheck that order is ascending
classificationTaxon class
containsdplyr select_helpers
database_refDatabase list
db_refValid taxonomy databases
default_db_refDefines valid taxonomic databases
delete_unused_class_taxaRemoves taxa from the taxonomy of a classification that are...
duplicated_indexReturns the index of the first occurrence of each unique...
duplicated_index_taxonomyReturns the index of the first occurrence of each unique...
ends_withdplyr select_helpers
everythingdplyr select_helpers
font_defaultDefault font
font_naFont for NAs in print methods
font_punctPunctuation formatting in print methods
font_secondaryFont for secondary data
font_tax_nameTaxon name formatting in print methods
grapes-greater-than-grapesmagrittr forward-pipe operator
grapes-in-grapesValue matching for taxa package
impute_order_naFill in NA values in sequence
interleaveInterleaves two vectors
internodesGet internodes
is_classificationCheck if is a classification
is_internodeCheck if taxa are internodes
is_leafCheck if taxa are leaves
is_rootTest if taxa are roots
is_stemCheck if taxa are stems
is_taxonCheck if something is a taxon object
is_taxon_authorityCheck if is a taxon_authority
is_taxon_dbCheck if something is a taxon_db
is_taxon_idCheck if something is a taxon_id object
is_taxonomyCheck if something is a taxonomy
is_taxon_rankCheck if something is a taxon_rank
is_taxon_rank_levelCheck if is a taxon id
is_valid_regexCheck regex validity
leavesGet leaves
limited_printPrint a subset of a character vector
matchesdplyr select_helpers
new_classificationMinimal classfication constructor
new_taxonMinimal taxon constructor
new_taxon_authorityMinimal taxon_authority constructor
new_taxon_dbMinimal taxon_db constructor
new_taxon_db_defMinimal taxon_db_def constructor
new_taxon_idMinimal taxon_id constructor
new_taxonomyMinimal taxonomy constructor
new_taxon_rankMinimal taxon_rank constructor
new_taxon_rank_levelMinimal taxon_rank_level constructor
n_leavesNumber of leaves per taxon
n_subtaxaNumber of subtaxa per taxon
n_supertaxaNumber of supertaxa per taxon
num_rangedplyr select_helpers
one_ofdplyr select_helpers
printed_classificationPrepare classification for printing
printed_taxonPrepare taxon for printing
printed_taxon_authorityPrepare taxon_authority for printing
printed_taxon_idPrepare taxon_id for printing
printed_taxonomyPrepare taxonomy for printing
printed_taxon_rankPrepare taxon_rank for printing
printed_taxon_rank_levelPrepare taxon_rank_level for printing
print_with_colorPrint that works with color
rank_level_color_funcsGet font color for levels
rank_refAll known taxonomic ranks
rootsGet root taxa
starts_withdplyr select_helpers
stemsGet stems
subtaxaGet subtaxa
supertaxaGet supertaxa
taxa_casting_funcstaxa casting functions
taxa_coercion_funcstaxa coercion functions
taxa_comparison_funcstaxa comparison functions
taxa_printing_funcstaxa printing functions
taxa_taxonTaxon class
taxa_taxon_authorityTaxon authority class
taxa_taxon_dbTaxon database class
taxa_taxon_idTaxon ID class
taxa_taxonomyTaxonomy class
taxa_taxon_rankTaxon rank class
tax_authSet and get taxon authorities
tax_authorSet and get taxon authors
tax_citeSet and get taxon authority citations
tax_dateSet and get taxon authority dates
tax_dbSet and get taxon ID databases
tax_idSet and get taxon IDs
tax_nameSet and get taxon names
taxonTaxon class
taxon_authorityTaxon authority class
taxon_dbTaxon database class
taxon_db_defTaxon database definition class
taxon_idTaxon ID class
taxonomyTaxonomy class
taxon_rankTaxon rank class
taxon_rank_levelTaxon rank level
tax_rankSet and get taxon ranks
unname_fieldsRemove names from fields in a vctrs rcrd
taxa documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:32 a.m.