

# test_that("get_wormsid returns the correct value", {
#   skip_on_cran()
#   vcr::use_cassette("get_wormsid", {
#     x <- sw(get_wormsid("Gadus morhua", rows = 1, messages = FALSE))
#     z <- sw(get_wormsid(c("Gadus morhua", "Lichenopora neapolitana"),
#       rows = 1, messages = FALSE))
#   })
#   expect_is(x, "wormsid")
#   expect_is(x[1], "character")
#   expect_is(z, "wormsid")
#   expect_equal(length(z), 2)
#   expect_equal(sort(attr(z, "multiple_matches")), c(FALSE, TRUE))
#   expect_false(all(attr(z, "pattern_match")))
#   expect_match(attr(z, "uri"), "marinespecies.org")
# })

test_that("get_wormsid accepts ask-argument", {
  vcr::use_cassette("get_wormsid_ask_arg", {
    x <- sw(get_wormsid("Platanista gangetica", ask = FALSE, messages = FALSE))
    z <- get_wormsid("asdasf", ask = FALSE, messages = FALSE)

  expect_is(x, "wormsid")

# test_that("get_wormsid searchtype param works", {
#   skip_on_cran()
#   vcr::use_cassette("get_wormsid_query_modifiers", {
#     mod2 <- sw(get_wormsid("asiatic clam", "common", messages = FALSE))
#   })
#   expect_is(mod2, "wormsid")
#   expect_equal(mod2[1], "181580")
# })

test_that("get_wormsid marine_only param works", {
  vcr::use_cassette("get_wormsid_marine_only", {
    a <- sw(get_wormsid("Apedinella", marine_only = TRUE, accepted = TRUE, messages = FALSE))
    b <- sw(get_wormsid("Apedinella", marine_only = FALSE, messages = FALSE))

  expect_is(a, "wormsid")
  expect_is(b, "wormsid")
  expect_equal(a[1], "248097")
  expect_equal(b[1], "248096")

test_that("get_wormsid fuzzy param works", {
  vcr::use_cassette("get_wormsid_fuzzy", {
    a <- sw(get_wormsid("Platypleu", fuzzy = TRUE, accepted = TRUE, messages = FALSE))
    b <- sw(get_wormsid("Platypleu", fuzzy = FALSE, messages = FALSE))

  expect_is(a, "wormsid")
  expect_is(b, "wormsid")
  expect_equal(a[1], "105519")

test_that("get_wormsid fails well", {
  vcr::use_cassette("get_wormsid_fail_with_rows_unknown", {
    expect_error(sw(get_wormsid("howdy", rows = 1, messages = FALSE)))

  expect_error(get_wormsid(), "argument \"sci_com\" is missing")
  expect_error(get_wormsid("clam", 5, messages = FALSE),
               "searchtype must be of class character")
  expect_error(get_wormsid("clam", "stuff", messages = FALSE),
               "'searchtype' must be one of")
  expect_error(get_wormsid("clam", accepted = 4, messages = FALSE),
               "accepted must be of class logical")
  expect_error(get_wormsid("clam", ask = 4, messages = FALSE),
               "ask must be of class logical")
  expect_error(get_wormsid("clam", marine_only = 4, messages = FALSE),
               "marine_only must be of class logical")
  expect_error(get_wormsid("clam", fuzzy = 4, messages = FALSE),
               "fuzzy must be of class logical")

test_that("get_wormsid exact match with more than 1 exact match found", {
  vcr::use_cassette("get_wormsid_multiple_exact_matches_found", {
    x <- get_wormsid("Gadus", messages = FALSE, rows = 1:2)

  expect_is(x, "wormsid")
  expect_is(x[1], "character")
  expect_equal(length(x), 1)
  expect_true(attr(x, "multiple_matches"))
  expect_false(attr(x, "pattern_match"))

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taxize documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:13 p.m.