
Defines functions ncbi_classification gbif_classification col_classification tpl_classification wfo_classification itis_classification classification

Documented in classification

#' Retrieve the taxonomic hierarchies from local database
#' This function is equivalent to the `taxize::classification()` function,
#' except that it uses a local database (so is much faster). The output is
#' identical to `taxize::classification()`
#' @export
#' @param x character) Vector of taxon keys for the given database
#' @param db character) The database to search, one of ncbi, itis,
#' gbif, col, or wfo
#' @param verbose (logical) Print verbose messages
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to database specific classification
#' functions.
#' @return list of data.frames with the columns: name, rank, and id. This is
#' exactly equivalent to the output of `taxize::classification()`
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' classification(c(3702, 9606))
#' classification(c(154395, 154357), db="itis")
#' classification(c("wfo-0000291463", "wfo-7000000057"), db="wfo")
#' classification(2878586, db="gbif")
#' classification(c(2878586, 2704179), db="gbif")
#' classification(3960765, db="col") # Abies
#' }
classification <- function(x, db='ncbi', verbose=TRUE, ...){
    x       = x,
    db      = db,
    cmd     = 'classification',
    verbose = verbose,

itis_classification <- function(src, x, ...){
  FUN <- function(x, src, ...) {
    ranks <- unique(sql_collect(src, 'select * from taxon_unit_types'))
    z <-
      sql_collect(src, sprintf("select * from hierarchy where TSN = '%s'", x))
    if (NROW(z) == 0) return(data.frame(NULL))
    hiers <- strsplit(z$hierarchy_string, "-")[[1]]
    parents_query <- sprintf(
      "SELECT tsn,rank_id,complete_name,kingdom_id FROM taxonomic_units WHERE tsn IN ('%s')",
      paste0(hiers, collapse = "','"))
    parents_df <- sql_collect(src, parents_query)
    ranks_filt <- dplyr::filter(ranks, kingdom_id == unique(parents_df$kingdom_id))
    ranks_filt <- dplyr::select(ranks_filt, rank_id, rank_name)
    tmp <- dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(parents_df, -kingdom_id), ranks_filt,
      by = "rank_id")
    tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$rank_id), ]
    tmp$rank_name <- tolower(tmp$rank_name)
    tmp$rank_id <- NULL
    tmp <- data.frame(name = tmp$complete_name, rank = tmp$rank_name,
      id = as.character(tmp$tsn), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  stats::setNames(lapply(x, FUN, src = src), x)

wfo_classification <- function(src, x, ...) {
  FUN <- function(x, src, ...) {
    cols <- "taxonID,taxonRank,scientificName,parentNameUsageID"
    z <- sql_collect(src,
      sprintf("select %s from wfo where taxonID = '%s'", cols, x))
    if (NROW(z) == 0) return(data.frame(NULL))
    if (is.na(z$parentNameUsageID)) return(data.frame(z))
    out <- list(z)
    i <- 1
    not_done <- TRUE
    while (not_done) {
      i <- i + 1
      parents_query <- sprintf(
        "SELECT %s FROM wfo WHERE taxonID IN ('%s')", cols,
        paste0(z$parentNameUsageID, collapse = "','"))
      z <- sql_collect(src, parents_query)
      if (NROW(z) == 0) {
        not_done <- FALSE
      } else {
        out[[i]] <- z
        if (is.na(z$parentNameUsageID)) not_done <- FALSE
    df <- dplyr::bind_rows(out)
    df$parentNameUsageID <- NULL
    df$taxonRank <- tolower(df$taxonRank)
    df <- dplyr::rename(df, id = 'taxonID', rank = 'taxonRank', name = 'scientificName')
    df <- dplyr::select(df, name, rank, id)
    data.frame(dplyr::arrange(df, desc(id)))
  stats::setNames(lapply(x, FUN, src = src), x)

tpl_classification <- function(src, x, ...){
  stop("The TPL database is not supported")

col_classification <- function(src, x, ...){
  FUN <- function(x, src, ...) {
    cols <- "taxonID,taxonRank,scientificName,parentNameUsageID"
    z <- sql_collect(src,
      sprintf("select %s from taxa where taxonID = '%s'", cols, x))
    if (NROW(z) == 0) return(data.frame(NULL))
    if (is.na(z$parentNameUsageID)) return(data.frame(NULL))
    out <- list(z)
    i <- 1
    not_done <- TRUE
    while (not_done) {
      i <- i + 1
      parents_query <- sprintf(
        "SELECT %s FROM taxa WHERE taxonID IN ('%s')", cols,
        paste0(z$parentNameUsageID, collapse = "','"))
      z <- sql_collect(src, parents_query)
      out[[i]] <- z
      if (is.na(z$parentNameUsageID) || !nzchar(z$parentNameUsageID))
        not_done <- FALSE
    # drop parentNameUsageID b/c sometimes conflicting classes cause 
    # bind_rows to fail
    out <- lapply(out, function(w) {
      w$parentNameUsageID <- NULL
    df <- dplyr::bind_rows(out)
    df$taxonRank <- tolower(df$taxonRank)
    df <- dplyr::rename(df, id = 'taxonID', rank = 'taxonRank', name = 'scientificName')
    df <- dplyr::select(df, name, rank, id)
    df <- df[order(rev(row.names(df))),]
    data.frame(df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  stats::setNames(lapply(x, FUN, src = src), x)

gbif_classification <- function(src, x, ...) {
  FUN <- function(x, src, ...) {
    cols <- "taxonID,taxonRank,scientificName,parentNameUsageID"
    z <- sql_collect(src,
      sprintf("select %s from gbif where taxonID = '%s'", cols, x))
    if (NROW(z) == 0) return(data.frame(NULL))
    if (is.na(z$parentNameUsageID)) return(data.frame(NULL))
    out <- list(z)
    i <- 1
    not_done <- TRUE
    while (not_done) {
      i <- i + 1
      parents_query <- sprintf(
        "SELECT %s FROM gbif WHERE taxonID IN ('%s')", cols,
        paste0(z$parentNameUsageID, collapse = "','"))
      z <- sql_collect(src, parents_query)
      out[[i]] <- z
      if (NROW(z) == 0)
        not_done <- FALSE
        if (is.na(z$parentNameUsageID)) not_done <- FALSE
    df <- dplyr::bind_rows(out)
    df$parentNameUsageID <- NULL
    df$taxonRank <- tolower(df$taxonRank)
    df <- dplyr::rename(df, id = 'taxonID', rank = 'taxonRank', name = 'scientificName')
    df <- dplyr::select(df, name, rank, id)
    df <- df[order(rev(row.names(df))),]
    data.frame(df, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  stats::setNames(lapply(x, FUN, src = src), x)

ncbi_classification <- function(src, x, ...){

  FUN <- function(src, x, ...){
    # Retrieve the hierarchy for each input taxon id
    cmd <- "SELECT tax_id, level, ancestor FROM hierarchy WHERE tax_id IN (%s)"
    query <- sprintf(cmd, sql_integer_list(x))
    tbl <- sql_collect(src, query)
    # If no IDs were found, return list of NA
    if(nrow(tbl) == 0){
      lineages <- as.list(as.logical(rep(NA, length(x))))
      names(lineages) <- x

    # Add the query to the lineage as the lowest level
    rbind(tbl, tibble::tibble(
      tax_id   = x,
      ancestor = x,
      level    = rep(0L, length(x))
    )) %>%
    # NOTE: Remove the root node, for consistency with 'taxize'. The root
    # node really is important, though, because viruses are a thing.
    dplyr::filter(.data$ancestor != 1L) %>%
    # Add ranks (TODO: add taxid2rank function)
      cmd <- "SELECT tax_id, rank FROM nodes WHERE tax_id IN (%s)"
      query <- sprintf(cmd, sql_integer_list(.$ancestor))
      sql_collect(src, query)
    }, by.x='ancestor', by.y='tax_id') %>%
      # make taxon IDs character vectors (for consistency with taxize)
      ancestor = as.character(.data$ancestor),
      # add ancestor scientific name
      name = taxid2name(.data$ancestor)
    ) %>%
    split(f=.$tax_id) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(d, -.data$level) %>%
      # NOTE: Here I drop the 'level' column. I do this because it is not present
      # in the taxize::classification output. However, without the level column,
      # the ancestor order is encoded only in the row order of the data.frame,
      # which is not robost.
        name = name,
        rank = rank,
        id   = .data$ancestor

  ## TODO: probably the Right missing value is this:
  # missing = data.frame(
  #   name = character(),
  #   rank = character(),
  #   id   = character(),
  #   stringsAsFactors=FALSE
  # ),

  ncbi_apply(src, x, FUN, missing=missing, ...)

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taxizedb documentation built on April 4, 2023, 1:08 a.m.