
.restr2_eigenv <- function (autovalues, ni.ini, restr.fact, zero.tol)
    ev <- autovalues

###### function parameters:
###### ev: matrix containin eigenvalues									#n proper naming - changed autovalue to ev (eigenvalue)
###### ni.ini: current sample size of the clusters						#n proper naming - changed ni.ini to cSize (cluster size)
###### factor: the factor parameter in tclust program
###### init: 1 if we are applying restrictions during the smart inicialization
######       0 if we are applying restrictions during the C steps execution

###### some inicializations

	if (!is.matrix (ev))												#n	checking for malformed ev - argument (e.g. a vector of determinants instead of a matrix)
		if (is.atomic (ev))												#n
			ev <- t (as.numeric (ev))									#n
		else															#n
			ev <- as.matrix (ev)										#n

	stopifnot (ncol (ev) == length (ni.ini))							#n	check wether the matrix autovalues and ni.ini have the right dimension.

	d <- t (ev)

    p <- nrow (ev)
	K <- ncol (ev)	

	n <- sum(ni.ini)

	nis <- matrix(data=ni.ini,nrow=K,ncol=p)

																		#m	MOVED: this block has been moved up a bit. see "old position of "block A" for it's old occurrence
	idx.nis.gr.0 <- nis > zero.tol										#n	as nis is in R we have to be carefull when checking against 0
	used.ev <- ni.ini > zero.tol										#n
	ev.nz <- ev[,used.ev]												#n	non-zero eigenvalues
#o	if ((max (d[nis > 0]) <= zero.tol))									#m
#i	if ((max (d[idx.nis.gr.0]) <= zero.tol))							#n	"idx.nis.gr.0" instead of (nis > 0)
	if ((max (ev.nz) <= zero.tol))										#n	simplify syntax
		return (matrix (0, nrow = p, ncol = K))							#m
	###### we check if the  eigenvalues verify the restrictions			#m
#o	if (max (d[nis > 0]) / min (d[nis > 0]) <= restr.fact)				#m
#i	if (max (d[idx.nis.gr.0]) / min (d[idx.nis.gr.0]) <= restr.fact)	#n	"idx.nis.gr.0" instead of (nis > 0)
	if (max (ev.nz) / min (ev.nz) <= restr.fact)						#n	simplify syntax

	{																	#m
#o		d[!idx.nis.gr.0] <- mean (d[idx.nis.gr.0])						#n	"idx.nis.gr.0" instead of (nis > 0)
		ev[,!used.ev] <- mean (ev.nz)									#n	simplify syntax
		return (ev)														#m
	}																	#m

	###### d_ is the ordered set of values in which the restriction objective function change the definition
	###### points in d_ correspond to  the frontiers for the intervals in which this objective function has the same definition
	###### ed is a set with the middle points of these intervals

#o	d_ <- sort (c (d, d / restr.fact))
	d_ <- sort (c (ev, ev / restr.fact))								#n	using ev instead of d
	dim <- length (d_)													##2do: continue here cleaning up .restr2_eigenv
	d_1 <- d_
	d_1[dim+1] <- d_[dim] * 2
	d_2 <- c (0, d_)
	ed <- (d_1 + d_2) / 2
	dim <- dim + 1;

##o	old position of "block A"

	###### the only relevant eigenvalues are those belong to a clusters with sample size greater than 0.
	###### eigenvalues corresponding to a clusters with 0 individuals has no influence in the objective function
	###### if all the eigenvalues are 0 during the smart initialization we assign to all the eigenvalues the value 1

	###### we build the sol array
	###### sol[1],sol[2],.... this array contains the critical values of the interval functions which defines the m objective function
	###### we use the centers of the interval to get a definition for the function in each interval
	###### this set with the critical values (in the array sol) contains the optimum m value

	t <- s <- r <- array(0, c(K, dim))
	sol <- sal <- array(0, c(dim))

	for (mp_ in 1:dim)
		for (i in 1:K)
			r[i,mp_] <- sum ((d[i,] < ed[mp_])) + sum((d[i,] > ed[mp_]*restr.fact))
			s[i,mp_] <- sum (d[i,]*(d[i,] < ed[mp_]))
			t[i,mp_] <- sum (d[i,]*(d[i,] > ed[mp_] * restr.fact))

		sol[mp_] <- sum (ni.ini / n * (s[,mp_] + t[,mp_] / restr.fact)) / (sum(ni.ini /n * (r[, mp_])))

		e <-	sol[mp_] * (d < sol[mp_]) +
				d * (d >= sol[mp_]) * (d <= restr.fact * sol[mp_]) +
				(restr.fact*sol[mp_]) * (d > restr.fact * sol[mp_])
		o <- -1/2 * nis / n * (log(e) + d / e)

		sal[mp_] <- sum(o)

	###### m is the optimum value for the eigenvalues procedure
#o	eo <- which.max (c (sal))						## remove c ()
#	m <- sol[eo]
	m <- sol[which.max (sal)]						#n
	###### based on the m value we get the restricted eigenvalues

	t (m * (d < m) + d * (d >= m) * (d <= restr.fact * m) + (restr.fact * m) * (d > restr.fact * m))	##	the return value

## 2do: replace .multbyrow (a, b), by a %*% diag (b)
.multbyrow <- function (a, b) t (t(a) * as.numeric (b))		##	auxiliary function, performing an operation (*) row- rather than column-wise

.restr2_deter_ <- function (autovalues, ni.ini, restr.fact, zero.tol = 1e-16)
				###### function parameters:
				###### autovalues: matrix containing eigenvalues
				###### ni.ini: current sample size of the clusters
				###### factor: the factor parameter in tclust program
				###### some initializations

	p = nrow (autovalues)

	if (p == 1)
		return  (.restr2_eigenv (autovalues, ni.ini, restr.fact, zero.tol))

	K = ncol (autovalues)

	es = apply (autovalues, 2, prod)

	idx.ni.ini.gr.0 <- ni.ini > zero.tol										#n	as ni.ini is in R we have to be carefull when checking against 0

				######	we check if all the determinants in no empty populations are 0
#o	if (max(es[ni.ini > 0]) <= zero.tol)	##	all eigenvalues are somehow zero.
	if (max(es[idx.ni.ini.gr.0]) <= zero.tol)	#n	"idx.ni.ini.gr.0" instead of (ni.ini > 0)
		return (matrix (0, p, K))												##		-> return zero mat

				######  we put in d the determinants of the populations (converting es into a matrix of dim 1 x K)
	d = t(es)	#### --> dim (d) = 1 x K (has once been "d <- matrix (es, nrow = 1)")
																				#n	put this block into a function (for improved readability)
	autovalues_det <- .HandleSmallEv (autovalues, zero.tol)						##	handling close to zero eigenvalues here

#cat ("\n1d^(1/p):\t", d^(1/p), "\n")

					######	we check if all the determinants verify the restrictions
#o	if (max (d[ni.ini > 0]) / min (d[ni.ini > 0]) <= restr.fact)
	if (max (d[idx.ni.ini.gr.0]) / min (d[idx.ni.ini.gr.0]) <= restr.fact)		#n	"idx.ni.ini.gr.0" instead of (ni.ini > 0)
#o		d [ni.ini == 0] <-  mean (d[ni.ini > 0])								## and get the mean - determinants for all clusters without observations.
		d [!idx.ni.ini.gr.0] <-  mean (d[idx.ni.ini.gr.0])						#n	"idx.ni.ini.gr.0" instead of (ni.ini > 0)

		dfin <- d^(1/p)
		dfin <- .restr2_eigenv (d^(1/p), ni.ini, restr.fact^(1/p), zero.tol)

					######  we apply the restriction to the determinants by using the .restr2_eigenv function
					######  In order to apply this function is neccessary to transform d and factor with the power (1/p)
#cat ("\nfin:\t", dfin, "\n")
	.multbyrow (autovalues_det, dfin)											## autovalues_det %*% diag (dfin)

	.HandleSmallEv <- function (autovalues, zero.tol)							#n	a part of .restr2_deter_, which handles almost zero eigenvalues
	{	##	handling close to zero eigenvalues here
					######  populations with one eigenvalue close to 0 are very close to be contained in a hyperplane
					######  autovalues2 is equal to autovalues except for the columns corresponding to populations close to singular
					######  for these populations we put only one eigenvalue close to 0 and the rest far from 0   	
		K <- nrow (autovalues)													#n

#o		autovalues[autovalues < zero.tol] = zero.tol
		autovalues[autovalues <= zero.tol] <- zero.tol							#n	"<= zero.tol" for checking for zero

		mi <- apply(autovalues,2,min)											##	the minimum eigenvalue of each cluster
		ma <- apply(autovalues,2,max)											##	the maximum eigenvalue of each cluster

#o		idx.iter <- (1:K) [ma/mi>1 / zero.tol]									#o	all clusters which have almost zero eigenvalues
		idx.iter <- which (mi/ma <= zero.tol)									#n	making more obvious for what to check!

		for (i in idx.iter)														##	for each of these clusters. set all "normal" eigenvalues to a high value
			autovalues[autovalues[,i] > mi[i] / zero.tol, i] <- mi[i] / zero.tol

#o		es2 = apply(autovalues, 2, prod)
		det = apply(autovalues, 2, prod)											#n	the new determinants

					######	autovalues_det contains the autovalues corrected by the determinant
					######	the product of the eigenvalues of each column in autovalues_det is equal to 1

#o		autovalues_det <- .multbyrow (autovalues, es2^(-1/p))

		p <- nrow (autovalues)													#n
		autovalues_det <- .multbyrow (autovalues, det^(-1/p))					#n	

		return (autovalues_det)

.restr2_deter_.C <- function (autovalues, ni.ini, restr.fact, p = nrow (autovalues), K = ncol (autovalues), zero.tol = 1e-16)
					##	this is an auxiliary function, wrapping the RestrictEigenValues_deter - C++ function.
					##	results should ALWAYS be EXACTLY the same as returned by .restr2_deter_ .

					##	20120831: removed "name =" argmuent name from .C call
	ret <- .C(RestrictEigenValues_deter,
		as.integer (c(p, K)),
		nParOut = integer (1),
		as.double (c (restr.fact, zero.tol)),
		dParOut = double (1),
		EV = as.double (autovalues),
		as.double (ni.ini))

	if (ret$nParOut[1])
		matrix (ret$EV, nrow = p)
		matrix (0, nrow = p, ncol = K)

.restr2_eigen_.C <- function (autovalues, ni.ini, restr.fact, p = nrow (autovalues), K = ncol (autovalues), zero.tol = 1e-16)
					##	this is an auxiliary function, wrapping the RestrictEigenValues - C++ function.
					##	results should ALWAYS be EXACTLY the same as returned by .restr2_eigenv.

					##	20120831: removed "name =" argmuent name from .C call
	ret <- .C(RestrictEigenValues,
		as.integer (c(p, K)),
		nParOut = integer (1),
		as.double (c (restr.fact, zero.tol)),
		dParOut = double (1),
		EV = as.double (autovalues),
		as.double (ni.ini)

	if (ret$nParOut[1])
		matrix (ret$EV, nrow = p)
		matrix (0, nrow = p, ncol = K)

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