
Defines functions new_join_keys `join_keys<-.teal_data` `join_keys<-.join_keys` `join_keys<-` join_keys.teal_data join_keys.join_keys join_keys.default join_keys

Documented in join_keys join_keys.default join_keys.join_keys join_keys.teal_data new_join_keys

#' Manage relationships between datasets using `join_keys`
#' @order 1
#' @name join_keys
#' @usage ## Constructor, getter and setter
#' join_keys(...)
#' @description
#' Facilitates the creation and retrieval of relationships between datasets.
#' `join_keys` class extends `list` and contains keys connecting pairs of datasets.
#' Each element of the list contains keys for specific dataset.
#' Each dataset can have a relationship with itself (primary key) and with other datasets.
#' Note that `join_keys` list is symmetrical and assumes a default direction, that is:
#' when keys are set between `ds1` and `ds2`, it defines `ds1` as the parent
#' in a parent-child relationship and the mapping is automatically mirrored between
#' `ds2` and `ds1`.
#' @section Methods (by class):
#' - `join_keys()`: Returns an empty `join_keys` object when called without arguments.
#' - `join_keys(join_keys)`: Returns itself.
#' - `join_keys(teal_data)`: Returns the `join_keys` object contained in `teal_data` object.
#' - `join_keys(...)`: Creates a new object with one or more `join_key_set` parameters.
#' @param ... optional,
#' - either `teal_data` or `join_keys` object to extract `join_keys`
#' - or any number of `join_key_set` objects to create `join_keys`
#' - or nothing to create an empty `join_keys`
#' @param value For `x[i, j, directed = TRUE)] <- value` (named/unnamed `character`)
#' Column mapping between datasets.
#' For `join_keys(x) <- value`: (`join_key_set` or list of `join_key_set`) relationship
#' pairs to add to `join_keys` list.
#' @return `join_keys` object.
#' @examples
#' # Creating a new join keys ----
#' jk <- join_keys(
#'   join_key("ds1", "ds1", "pk1"),
#'   join_key("ds2", "ds2", "pk2"),
#'   join_key("ds3", "ds3", "pk3"),
#'   join_key("ds1", "ds2", c(pk1 = "pk2")),
#'   join_key("ds1", "ds3", c(pk1 = "pk3"))
#' )
#' jk
#' @export
#' @seealso [join_key()] for creating `join_keys_set`,
#' [parents()] for parent operations,
#' [teal_data()] for `teal_data` constructor _and_
#' [default_cdisc_join_keys] for default CDISC keys.
join_keys <- function(...) {
  if (missing(...)) {
  x <- rlang::list2(...)
  if (length(x) == 1L) {
    UseMethod("join_keys", x[[1]])
  } else {

#' @rdname join_keys
#' @order 1
#' @export
join_keys.default <- function(...) {
  c(new_join_keys(), ...)

#' @rdname join_keys
#' @order 1
#' @export
join_keys.join_keys <- function(...) {
  x <- rlang::list2(...)

#' @rdname join_keys
#' @order 1
#' @export
join_keys.teal_data <- function(...) {
  x <- rlang::list2(...)

#' @rdname join_keys
#' @order 5
#' @section Functions:
#' - `join_keys(x) <- value`: Assignment of the `join_keys` in object with `value`.
#' `value` needs to be an object of class `join_keys` or `join_key_set`.
#' @param x (`join_keys`) empty object to set the new relationship pairs.
#' `x` is typically an object of `join_keys` class. When called with the `join_keys(x)`
#' or `join_keys(x) <- value` then it can also take a supported class (`teal_data`, `join_keys`)
#' @export
`join_keys<-` <- function(x, value) {
  checkmate::assert_class(value, classes = c("join_keys", "list"))
  UseMethod("join_keys<-", x)

#' @rdname join_keys
#' @order 5
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Assigning keys via join_keys(x)[i, j] <- value ----
#' obj <- join_keys()
#' # or
#' obj <- teal_data()
#' join_keys(obj)["ds1", "ds1"] <- "pk1"
#' join_keys(obj)["ds2", "ds2"] <- "pk2"
#' join_keys(obj)["ds3", "ds3"] <- "pk3"
#' join_keys(obj)["ds1", "ds2"] <- c(pk1 = "pk2")
#' join_keys(obj)["ds1", "ds3"] <- c(pk1 = "pk3")
#' identical(jk, join_keys(obj))
`join_keys<-.join_keys` <- function(x, value) {

#' @rdname join_keys
#' @order 5
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Setter for join_keys within teal_data ----
#' td <- teal_data()
#' join_keys(td) <- jk
#' join_keys(td)["ds1", "ds2"] <- "new_key"
#' join_keys(td) <- c(join_keys(td), join_keys(join_key("ds3", "ds2", "key3")))
#' join_keys(td)
`join_keys<-.teal_data` <- function(x, value) {
  join_keys(x@join_keys) <- value

#' Internal constructor
#' @return an empty `join_keys` list
#' @keywords internal
new_join_keys <- function() {
    class = c("join_keys", "list"),
    "parents" = list()

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teal.data documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:03 a.m.